JUMO 902931 Wtrans Receiver with Wireless Data Transmission Data Sheet User Manual
Block diagram suitable wtrans transmitters, Approvals/approval marks

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JUMO Wtrans Receiver
with Wireless Data Transmission
The Wtrans receiver T01 in combination with suitable Wtrans transmitters is used for mobile or
stationary measurements of physical variables. A significant reduction of the installation work is
achieved due to the use of trendsetting wireless technology found in the industrial radio fre-
quency 868.4 MHz or 915 MHz. Cable connections are not required, the radio-based sensor
technology also functions in a rough industrial environment. The supplied lambda/4-antenna
with an impedance of 50 ohm can be screwed on directly or fitted externally. If the antenna wall
holder with a 3 m antenna cable is used then the open air range is 300 m. In the receiver the
received measured values are converted, displayed, and are available as linear current or volt-
age signals (0(4) to 20 mA, 0 to10 V) and via the digital interface RS485. All receiver outputs are
electrically isolated. The connection to higher-ranking systems (e.g. the plant visualization soft-
ware JUMO SVS3000 or the Modbus master compatible paperless recorder JUMO LOGO-
SCREEN nt) is possible via the digital interface with Modbus protocol.
Operation and configuration is possible via the keypad in connection with a 2-line LCD display
or a setup program for greater comfort. Thus, parameters such as filter constants, offset,
alarms, and drag indicator (minimum and maximum value memory) can be separately set for
each channel. For this purpose, a plug is provided on the front for a PC interface with TTL/
RS232 or USB/TTL converter to connect the receiver and the PC. The receiver in the mounting
rail case is intended for fitting on a DIN rail 35 mm × 7.5 mm according to DIN EN 60715. The
screw terminals for the electrical connection are arranged at different levels. The conductor
cross section may not exceed 2.5 mm
Block diagram
Wtrans transmitters
Wtrans RTD temperature probe
Data sheet 902930
Wtrans B
Data sheet 707060
Wtrans p
Data sheet 402060
For further information see page 10/10
Data Sheet 902931
k For measuring temperature, pressure, potentiometer, and voltage.
k Interface RS485 with Modbus protocol
k Wireless measured value reception
k No wiring work due to modern wireless technology
k For up to 16 transmitters per receiver
Basic type 902931/10
Approvals/approval marks
(see "Technical Data")