Operation and configuration, Operating language, Pc programs (accessories) – JUMO 706560 LOGOSCREEN es Data Sheet User Manual

Page 5: Web server

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Data Sheet 70.6560

JUMO GmbH & Co. KG • 36035 Fulda, Germany

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Operation and

On the recorder

The instrument is configured from eight
keys under menu guidance. Functions of 5
keys (softkeys) on the instrument alter ac-
cording to the context so that there are al-
ways unique key functions during
operation. Softkey functions are indicated
on the screen in plain text or through sym-


Integrated user lists (for various users

with different access rights) protect the re-
corder from unauthorized access.

Via setup program for PC
(extra code)

More conveniently than from the instru-
ment keys, the recorder can be configured
via the setup program for PC.
Communication between the PC setup
program and the paperless recorder can be
made through:
- the setup interface
- the serial interface
- the Ethernet interface, or
- the CompactFlash memory card.

The configuration data can be archived on
a data storage medium and can be output
to a printer.

Via CompactFlash memory card

The configuration can be saved to a Com-
pactFlash memory card, and read into the
instrument from this card.

Operating language

The operating language for the instrument
can be configured for different languages.
English, German, French, Dutch, Italian,
Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish,
Polish, Danish, Finnish, Portuguese and
Russian have already been implemented.

PC programs

PC evaluation program
(PCA 3000)

The PC evaluation program (PCA 3000) is a
program which runs under Windows
NT4.0/2000/XP/Vista, and is used to man-
age, archive, visualize and evaluate the re-
corder data.

k The data of instruments with different

configurations are recognized by the
evaluation program and stored in an
archive database. The complete
management is performed
automatically. The user only has to
enter an identifier (supplementary
description) manually.

k The user can at any time access

specific sets of data which can be
distinguished by the identifier.
In addition, the time ranges to be
evaluated can be limited.

k Any analog and digital channels

of a paperless recorder can be
subsequently combined into PCA
groups in the PCA3000 software.

k Since each group is displayed in a

separate window, several groups can
be shown simultaneously on the screen
and compared.

k Operation by mouse and keys.
k It is possible to export the stored data

via the export filter, so that they can be
processed in other programs, such as

k The PCA 3000 evaluation program has

network capability, i.e. several users
can obtain data from the same
database in the network independently
of each other.

PCA communications software

k The data can be read out from the

paperless recorder via the serial
interface (RS232/RS422/RS485). The
data can be read out either manually or
automatically (e.g. daily at 23 hrs).

k Data can also be retrieved via remote

control, through a modem.

PC Security Manager (PCS)

k Software for the administration of

access control. This software is only
accessible for administrators.

PC Audit-Trail Manager

k Software for the documentation of

operational actions that could lead to
alterations in the data records.

Web server

The paperless recorder has an integrated
web server for displaying process data in
an alphanumeric form. The web server can
be started by entering the IP address in the
internet browser on the PC (e.g. http://
After starting the web server, the user has
to select the group.

Now the individual channels of the selected
group are displayed.

Limit exceedings or alarms are signaled by
a color switch of the group names.