JULABO SL-26 Heating Circulators User Manual
Page 27

Indicated is the temperature value of the safety sensor.
Setting range: 20 °C ... 320 °C
Indicated is the cut-out value set with a screwdriver on the excess
temperature protection device.
This safety installation is independent of the control circuit. When the
temperature of the bath fluid has reached the safety temperature, a
complete shutdown of the heater and pump is effected.
The alarm is indicated by optical and audible signals (continuous tone).
The following error message appears on the VFD COMFORT-DISPLAY:
for help on the LCD
Depending on the setting of >ControlType - internal or external< the
actual temperature values for both sensors are shown/indicated on
both displays.
Examples: I 94.06
and Ext. : xx.xx°C
>Warning< or >Alarm<
For the two menu items >OverTemp< and >SubTemp< choose
between a warning message being signaled or a complete shutdown
of the main functional elements such as heater and circulating pump
being effected.
OverTemperature: SubTemperature:
If for a sensitive temperature application task adherence to a
working temperature value >Setpoint< is to be supervised, then set
high and low temperature warning values.
In the example below, the >Setpoint< of 85 °C is surrounded by the
values >OverTemp< 87 °C and >SubTemp< 83 °C. The electronics
immediately registers when the actual temperature attains a
temperature out of the limits and it follows a reaction according to
what is set in the menu item >-Type<.