Port c – emulated encoder output (j2) – ElmoMC ExtrIQ Gold Line Servo Drives-Gold Solo Hornet User Manual

Page 54

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Gold Solo Hornet Installation Guide (EtherCAT and CAN)


MAN-G-SOLHORIG-EC (Ver. 1.009)



Table of Contents


Port C – Emulated Encoder Output (J2)

Port C provides emulated encoder output derived from port A or port B feedback inputs, or
from internal variables. The output options are:

Port A/B daisy chain (1:1) for incremental encoder

Encoder emulation: Emulate any input sensor, digital or analog, or use to emulate an

internal variable such as virtual profiler.

PWM output: Any pair of outputs that is used as an encoder channel (e.g., channel A+ and

channel A-) can be configured by software to become PWM output.

Pulse & Direction output: The output pins that are assigned as channel A and channel B

when used as encoder out, can be configured by software to become pulse and direction

outputs respectively.

This port is used when the Gold Solo Hornet is used:

as a current amplifier to provide position data to the position controller

in velocity mode, to provide position data to the position controller

as a master in follower or ECAM mode

A cable kit containing a cable that connects to port C is available, see Section 2.2.19.