Page 9 of 9 playback of presets, Preset number 10 (off) - special function, Grand master – Doug Fleenor Design PRE10-A2 User Manual

Page 9: Face panel lockout

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Presets can be played back in one of two ways by “radio button” or “push on, push off” (PO PO ) m ode. Selection of the preset
button m ode is m ade via JP6. In “radio button” m ode selecting a different preset releases the current active preset. The result
is a crossfade from the current preset to the newly selected one. The tim e taken to fade from the current preset to the new
preset is taken from the newly selected preset. O nce the fade has com pleted it will rem ain at that current preset (static) until
another preset is selected. In “push on, push off” m ode the presets pile on to each other in Highest Takes Precedence (HTP).
Each preset will fade in or fade out in the tim e assigned to the activated or deactivated preset.

In “push on, push off” m ode pressing preset num ber 10(OFF) will release presets 1 through 9. Preset 10(OFF) is just like
presets 1 through 9 in that it can store a preset and have a fade tim e.

In “radio button” m ode is possible to create an autofollow of all ten presets or less. To begin autofollow of all ten presets press
and hold the preset select button of preset num ber 1 (approxim ately 5 seconds) until all the LEDs flash once. Once the fade
tim e of a preset is com plete the next preset will be selected autom atically. W hen preset num ber 10(OFF) has been reached
the next preset to be selected will be preset num ber 1. To exit autofollow m om entarily press any preset select button.


If a static preset is playing at the tim e power is lost Preset 10 Architectural Two will return to that preset when power
is restored. The fade will begin with all 512 channels at 0% and fade up in the tim e recorded to that preset.


If the Preset 10 Architectural Two was in autofollow playback at the tim e power was lost, the Preset 10 Architectural
will resum e autofollow playback beginning with preset num ber 1.


To bypass unused presets In autofollow enter the tim e as 999 seconds. This m eans the longest autofollow fade
tim e is 998 seconds.


W hen the levels stored in preset num ber 10(O FF) are all zeros a special function is enabled. W hen preset 10 (OFF) is
selected and the crossfade has com pleted the Preset 10 Architectural Two will stop sending DM X. By ending DM X512
transm ission, m any m oving lights and dim m ing system s will enter their standby m ode.


The grand m aster up and down buttons allow proportional control of the currently active preset. W hen the grand m aster is
at full (100%) the yellow LED adjacent to the GRAND MASTER UP button is illum inated. W hen the grand m aster is down
(0% ) the yellow LED adjacent to the GRAND MASTER DOW N button is illum inated. Pressing the GRAND MASTER UP or
GRAND M ASTER DOW N button once m akes the grand m aster take one step. The grand m aster has a range of 254 steps.
Pressing and holding the GRAND M ASTER UP or GRAND MASTER DOW N button will result in a continuous fade. It takes
5 seconds to fade the grand m aster fully up or down.

The grand m aster rem ains at its set level as long as the Preset 10 Architectural Two rem ains powered.

The grand m aster only affects the levels of the active preset and not the levels from the console.


An optional face panel lockout feature can be enabled in the factory prior to shipm ent. This feature is not enabled by default.
If the feature has been enabled, it operates as described below:

To prevent m isuse of the Preset 10 Architectural Two it can be locked out from accepting any button pushes. To lock the face
panel press the currently active preset button three tim es within one second. At the end of the third press all the green preset
LEDs will flash once to confirm the lock. The Preset 10 Architectural Two is now locked from accepting any button pushes.
To unlock the face panel press the currently active preset button three tim es within one second. At the end of the third press
there will be no confirm ing flash of the green preset LEDs.