Doug Fleenor Design Marconi SP User Manual
Marconi sp wireless dmx splitter, Doug fleenor design, inc

Marconi SP Wireless DMX Splitter
The Marconi W ireless DMX Splitter (Marconi SP) receives all 512 channels (one
universe) of DMX512 using 2.4 GHz spread spectrum technology and provides three
isolated DM X512 outputs.
Marconi products use the W -DMX system (invented by W ireless Solutions in Sweden)
which allows up to 16 transm itters and any num ber of receivers to be used
sim ultaneously in a single venue. Since any Marconi receiver can listen to any W -
DMX transm itter, there has to be a way to tell each receiver which transm itter to listen
to. This is accom plished by Assigning or Linking the Marconi to a transm itter. The
transm itter assignm ent inform ation is held in non-volatile m em ory so if the user has
only one W -DMX transm itter (or keeps his system s separate), the configuration
process described below will only have to be done once.
To assign (link, bind, etc.) the M arconi splitter to a transm itter:
Both the Marconi SP and W -DMX transm itter m ust be powered up and within range of each other.
Using a paper clip, press and hold the recessed CONFIG button on the Marconi SP until the ASSIGNED indicator goes off
(about 5 seconds). This will unassign the Marconi SP from any other transm itter.
On the W -DMX transm itter this receiver is to listen to, press and release the configuration button. (This button m ay be labeled
CONFIG, LINK, ASSIGN, FUNCTION, etc. depending on the m anufacturer). The W -DMX transm itter will then
broadcast a signal telling all unassigned W -DMX receivers, to assign them selves to this transm itter.
If successful, the Marconi SP ASSIGNED and RF LINK indicators will illum inate.
Output circuit: EIA-485 slew rate lim ited driver protected by two self resetting fuses and two transient absorbing diodes.
2500 Volt optical coupler, 1000 Volt DC/DC converter
Gold plated 5 pin Neutrik Pin 1: Com m on, Pin 2: Data-, Pin 3: Data+, Pins 4&5: n/c
(3 pin connectors are optional)
Gold plated Reverse Polarity SMA connector
A 2dB whip antenna is supplied. Gain antennas are available to increase the reception range.
User controls:
Recessed CONFIG button. Activated using bent paper clip (not supplied).
ASSIGNED, illum inates when the unit is assigned to a transm itter
Yellow: RF LINK, illum inates when the assigned transm itter is on and within range
Green: DMX512, illum inates when DMX512 is available at the output
Power in:
100-240 VAC, 10 W atts
Black with laser engraved nom enclature
Size & weight:
1.7"h X 5"d X 6"w, 2 pounds
A 1/2" hole is provided for C clam p or half coupler m ounting
Two 3/8" X 3/4" slots are provided for safety cables or other m ounting techniques.
Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.
396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site:
e-m ail: info@