Doug Fleenor Design RERUN-P Addendum User Manual
Doug Fleenor Design Accessories for electrical

Manual Addendum For Rerun V1.1 software
12/12/2006, RERUN-A = Serial #06A068, RERUN-P = Serial #06A031
The Rerun product manual was written for V1.0 software. The new release, V1.1, adds a number of new
features. These features are outlined in this document. If the V1.0 manual and this document are in
conflict, the information in this document prevails.
New features include:
! Shows can now be piled-on to the DMX input. Removing jumper (JP5) enables pile-on mode. When
removed the incoming DMX is merged with the selected show in Highest Takes Precedence (HTP)
fashion. When the [RECORD] button is pressed, the show stops playing to allow recording of
incoming DMX data.
! Shows can now be “Grand Mastered”. The [<<] and [>>] buttons become up and down Grand Master
buttons for show intensity. This allows a running show to be dimmed down. The Grand Master setting
is kept the same when you move from one show to another. It is set to full upon power up. If you hold
the [<<] or [>>] button, the Grand Master will fade completely up or down in about five seconds.
! Shows now default to "looping". We found that most people want their shows to loop so that is now
the default. The loop attribute may be turned on or off as before.
! Shows now crossfade. When you select a show, the current show will stop running and crossfade
to the first frame of the new show. The fade time is fixed at five seconds. After the fade is complete,
the new show starts running normally. Crossfade is enabled by default. The crossfade attribute may
be turned off if desired.
! Display of "10 codes". When a show is paused, pushing and holding the [10] button for longer than
five seconds displays the attributes for the current show. The attributes are 1-record lockout, 2-stop
transmission at end of show , 3- crossfade. To toggle the state of these attributes continue holding
the [10] button in and press the desired attribute button.
! Panel lockout. While playing a show, tapping the show’s playback button three times (within one
second) enables the panel lockout. This locks all the front panel buttons from taking any action. The
selected show will run normally. This attribute remains through power cycling. The panel is unlocked
by tapping the active show button three times.
! In V1.0 the >> LED would illuminate briefly at the end of a looping show. This could be distracting
for a short show; there would be a blinking light on the wall. The >> LED no longer blinks at the end
of the looping show. It still functions as described in the manual when editing trim points and it
illuminates at the end of a non-looping show.
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