Preset 10 architectural two - setup – Doug Fleenor Design PRE10-A2 User Manual

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Preset 10 Architectural Two - SETUP


Each Preset 10 Architectural Two has six jum pers, JP1 through JP6, that select different m odes of operation. The factory
default is to have all jum pers installed.


W hen this jum per is installed on the MASTER faceplate recording of presets is enabled. W hen rem oved, the TIME
and RECORD buttons are disabled. The position of JP1 on a SLAVE faceplate has no affect.


W hen this jum per is installed the faceplate takes on the MASTER duty. The MASTER faceplate is responsible for
transm itting and receiving DM X, storing presets and com m unicating with SLAVE faceplates. W hen rem oved, the
faceplate takes on the SLAVE duty. A SLAVE faceplate com m unicates button presses and m im ics the state of the
LEDs on the m aster faceplate.


W hen this jum per is rem oved the Preset 10 Architectural Two will hold its last look upon loss of DMX input.


W hen this jum per is installed it enables SINGLE STATION MODE. In this m ode the faceplate will not send any
"alternate start code" packets. W hen this jum per is rem oved it enables MULTI STATION MODE. This allows the
alternate start code packets required for m aster/slave station operation. If your system contains only one Preset 10
Architectural Two
, there is no need to rem ove the jum per.


W hen this jum per is rem oved the DM X input is m erged with the output of the active preset. The m erge is Highest
Takes Precedence (HTP), where the output for each DMX channel is the highest level on any input for that channel.


W hen this jum per is installed the preset buttons act like “radio buttons”. Selecting a different preset releases the
current active preset. W hen this jum per is rem oved the preset buttons act in a push on, push off m anner. All the
presets pile on to each other in Highest Takes Precedence (HTP). The OFF preset is an exception. See the details
in the section on POPO operation.


A typical system consists of a single MASTER faceplate. Shunt JP4 should be installed (default condition) for norm al MASTER
operation. In a system s that contain slaves the shunt at JP4 should be rem oved. For safe keeping place the shunt over only
one of the pins at JP4.


To m odify a faceplate to becom e a SLAVE the shunts located at JP2 and JP4 should be rem oved. For safe keeping place the
shunt over only one of the pins at JP2 and JP4.