3 display status, 4 technical description – DIGIWEIGH DWP-PJ-P User Manual
Page 7

DW-PJ Pallet Jack Scale
- 6 -
【→】 Move the flashing digit to the right during configuration or setting
Preset tare
【↑】 The display is temporarily set to high resolution increment the flashing digit
during configuration or setting preset tare;
【→0←】Zero the display, set the zero point or enter a tare value
3 Display status
〖AC〗 Mains power is applied to the indicator
〖→T←〗 A weight has been tare display is showing the net weight
〗 Battery capacity less than 30%
〖→0←〗 The scale is Zero
〖-AUTO-〗 The automatic accumulation function is active
〖◣◢〗 The Weight is stable
0〗 The unit of weighing is lb
The display is temporarily set to high resolution
4 Technical Description
4.1 Load cells to indicator D-B 9 Pin plug
4.2 Load cells to indicator 5 Pin plug
+E 1
+S 2
- E 4
- S 3
I ndi cat or
Load cel l
+Exci t at i on
+Si gnal
- Exci t at i on
- Si gnal
4.3 RS-232C D-B 9
Pin 3 Output (TXD) Pin 5 Signal Ground(GND)