Det-Tronics X3300EXE Protect-IR Multispectrum IR Flame Detector User Manual

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Refer to the “Ordering Information“ section for a
complete list of available options and accessories.

Table 1 indicates the condition of the LED for each
detector status. The LED is non-latching. Fire and Fault
relay condition for each detector status varies
according to the factory configuration.


The X3300 is configured at the factory to operate as
specified when ordered. Refer to the descriptions in
Table 2 for a functional explanation of each
configuration option.


Factory configurable options cannot be changed in
the field.


This option provides a 4 to 20 mA dc current output for
transmitting detector status information to other devices.
The circuit can be wired in either an isolated or non-
isolated configuration and can drive a maximum loop
resistance of 500 ohms from 18 to 19.9 volts dc and 600
ohms from 20 to 32 volts dc. Table 3 indicates the
detector status conditions represented by the various
current levels. The output is calibrated at the factory,
with no need for field calibration.


The output of the 4 to 20 mA current loop is not
monitored by the fault detection circuitry of the
X3300. Therefore, an open circuit on the loop will
not cause the detector status LED to indicate a



Response is dependent on the type of fuel, the
temperature of the fuel, and the time required for the fire
to come to equilibrium. As with all fire tests, results
must be interpreted according to an individual

See Appendix A for fire test results.


In applying any type of sensing device as a fire
detector, it is important to know of any conditions that
can prevent the device from responding to fire, and also
to know what other sources besides fire can cause the
device to respond.


Arc welding should not be performed within 40 feet of
the very high sensitivity detector (10 feet for medium
sensitivity detector). It is recommended that the system
be bypassed during welding operations in situations
where the possibility of a false alarm cannot be
tolerated. Gas welding mandates system bypass, since
the gas torch is an actual fire. Arc welding rods can
contain organic binder materials in the flux that burn
during the welding operation and are detectable by the
X3300. Welding rods with clay binders do not burn and
will not be detected by the X3300. However, system
bypass is always recommended, since the material
being welded may be contaminated with organic
substances (paint, oil, etc.) that will burn and possibly
trigger the X3300.

Artificial Lighting

The X3300 should not be located within 3 feet of
artificial lights. Artificial lights should not be positioned
so that they are pointed directly at the detector.

EMI/RFI Interference

The X3300 is resistant to interference by EMI and RFI,
and is EMC Directive compliant. It will not respond to a
5 watt walkie-talkie at distances greater than 1 foot. Do
not operate a walkie-talkie within 1 foot of the X3300.

Non-Carbon Fires

The X3300 is a multiple spectrum IR device with
detection limited to carbonaceous fuels. It should not
be used to detect fires that do not contain carbon, such
as hydrogen, sulfur and burning metals.



Current Level

Detector Status

0 mA

Open Circuit

1 mA

General Fault

2 mA

Oi Fault

3 mA

Hi Background IR

4 mA

Normal Operation

20 mA


Table 3—Detector Status Conditions Indicated by Current Level