Det-Tronics X2200 UV Flame Detector with Pulse Output User Manual
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can be performed with the
controller’s (R7404/R7494) keylock switch in either
the NORMAl or TEsT position. In NORMAl, the
controller goes into alarm and activates its outputs.
If no controller alarm output is desired, place the
keylock switch in the TEsT position before touching
the magnet to the outside of the detector. Manual
operates only with the keylock switch in the
TEsT position.
During the entire test, the detector gives no indication
of alarm.
To reset the controller status and alarms, place the
keylock switch in RESET. Return the keylock switch to
NORMAL when testing is complete.
The manual oi test is nearly identical to the magnetic
oi test, except for the manner in which the test is
• Place the keylock switch on the controller (R7404/
R7494) in the TEST position.
• Press the SELECT button to select the appropriate
detector for test.
• Press the TEST/ACCEPT button to initiate the test.
Controller and detector responses are identical to the
magnetic oi test described above.
To reset the controller status and alarms, place the
keylock switch in RESET. Return the keylock switch to
NORMAL when testing is complete.
Refer to Appendix A for FM verification of Det-Tronics’
Optical Integrity
The X2200 is furnished with an RS-485 interface for
communicating status and other information with external
devices. The RS-485 supports MODBUS protocol, with
the detector configured as a slave device.
Data logging for event monitoring capability is also
provided. The detector can log up to 1500 events (up to
1000 general and 500 alarm events). Status conditions
such as normal, power down, general and oi faults, pre-
alarm, fire alarm, time and temperature are recorded.
Each event is time and date stamped, along with the
temperature and input voltage. Event data is stored in
non-volatile memory when the event becomes active,
and again when the status changes. Data is accessible
using the RS-485 port.
All external wiring to the device is connected within
the integral junction box. The screw terminals accept
wiring from 14 to 24 AWG. The detector is furnished with
four conduit entries, with either 3/4 inch NPT or 25 mm
The UV detector output (measured in counts per second)
is compared to the fire threshold (the “sensitivity” setting).
If the radiant energy level from the fire exceeds the
selected alarm threshold level, the fire alarm output is
activated. In every application, it is crucial to ensure that
the radiant ultraviolet energy level from the expected fire
at the required distance from the detector will exceed the
selected sensitivity level.
The UV detector in the X2200 can be programmed for:
Arc Rejection
Standard Signal Processing.
Arc Rejection (Recommended Factory Setting)
The Arc Rejection mode enables the detector to prevent
nuisance fire alarms caused by UV from short-duration
electrical arcs or electrostatic discharge, while maintaining
the ability to reliably detect the UV given off by a flame.
Typical applications that benefit from arc rejection logic
include electrostatic coating processes and uncontrolled
environments where transient UV sources can be present,
such as many typical outdoor applications. Most false
alarm sources have short transient UV signatures, while
fire creates a long UV signature over many seconds.
Most fires are detected in a few seconds (see response
times in Appendix A).
Standard Signal processing
Standard signal processing is recommended for
high-speed suppression systems only. To allow for
high-speed operation, the standard processing mode
does not incorporate the arc rejection programming.
This mode should only be used in a controlled, indoor