Control Company 3500 FLOW METER User Manual
Control Company Measuring instruments

Flow Rate Measurement
Unit of Measure
Milliliters per minute (ml/min) ........................ 4.00 to 30.00 ............... 0.01
Liters per minute (l/min) ................................ 0.0040 to 0.0300 ......... 0.0001
Cubic Centimeters per minute (cm3/min) ..... 4.00 to 30.00 ............... 0.01
Fluid Ounces per minute (oz/min) ................ 0.13 to 1.01 ................. 0.01
Gallons per minute (gal/min) ........................ 0.00105 to 0.00742 ..... 0.00001
Imperial Fluid Ounces per minute (imp oz)... 0.14 to 1.05 ................. 0.01
Imperial Gallons per minute (imp gal)........... 0.00088 to 0.00659 ..... 0.00001
±2% full scale @ 20 to 30 °C liquid temperature,
±4% full scale otherwise
Measurement Modes:
Current Flow
Total Flow
Fluid Viscosity:
0 to 200 centipoises
Fluid Temperature Range: 0 to 50 °C
Acceptable Tubing:
All types
Tubing Connector Size: Inside diameter of nominal 1/8” ID (3.2 mm)
Wetted Parts:
Nylon and PharMed® Tubing
CAUTION: Prior to use, a chemical resistance chart should be used to insure
that wetted parts will not be affected by the chemical being pumped.
Toggles the LCD display between showing the Current Flow rate and
Total Flow.
Selects the unit of measure to be displayed. Also used when setting
the K-Factor.
Zeros the Total Flow. When the fl ow rate is less than 10 mL/min, zeros
the current fl ow rate. Also used when setting the K-Factor
Turns the unit On/Off. Also used when setting the K-Factor.
1. Plug the power supply into the unit.
2. Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet.
3. Remove red covers from the inlet and outlet barbed pump fi ttings.
4. Connect the incoming tubing to the Inlet barb.
5. Connect tubing to the Outlet barb.
6. Press the POWER button to turn the unit on.
7. Press the UNITS button to select the desired unit of measure to display.
8. Press the FLOW/TOAL to toggle between the Current Flow Rate and Total
Flow display.
9. Press the POWER button to turn the unit off.
To insure the most accurate measurement, the K-factor should be set. The
meter is calibrated by fl owing know amounts of water at known temperatures
through the fl ow meter. The measurement accuracy of the meter can be
affected by a diffi rent liquids viscosity, liquid temperature, system pressure,
tubing diameter, etc. Insert the fl ow meter into your system, and zero the Total
Flow. Pump a known volume of liquid through your system. Calculate the
K-factor by dividing the known liquid volume by the Total Flow indicated by the
Flow Meter and set the K-factor accordingly.
To set the K-Factor:
1. Press the FLOW/TOTAL button to select the Total Flow mode.
2. Press the UNITS button until the K-factor is diplayed, indicated by “K=”.
3. Press the ZERO button to increment the selected digit.
4. Press the POWER button to change the digit selected.
5. With the desired K-factor set, press the TOTAL/FLOW button exit from the
K-factor setting mode.