Control Company 1025 60-MEMORY STOPWATCH User Manual
Control Company Measuring instruments

7-digit LCD
9 hr, 59 min, 59 sec, 99 hundredths
0.01 sec
Size / Weight:
x 2
2 oz
Features: Single action, time-out, interval split, cumulative split and
continuous rollover timing; memory recall; time-of-day clock;
time-of-day alarm; date
A. LAP/SL/FS - Permits recording of
up to 99 separate interval split (lap)
times and cumu-lative split times
while in Chronograph mode. If
Memory Recall function is activated,
LAP/SL/FS button recalls the fastest
and slowest lap times recorded.
RESET - In Chronograph, Timer and
Pacer modes, permits resetting
display to zero.
SELECT - Selects each digit for
programming while in Clock and Timer modes.
PACE SET - In Pacer mode, permits setting pacer frequency.
B. START - Begins count-up while in Chronograph and Pacer modes.
Begins count-down while in Timer mode.
STOP - Halts count-up for a time-out while in Chronograph and Pacer
modes. Halts count-down while in Timer mode.
AVERAGE - Permits viewing the average lap time of laps traversed while
in Chronograph mode and the Memory Recall function is activated.
SET - Advances each selected digit while in Clock and Timer modes.
C. RECALL - Activates/deactivates time-of-day alarm while in Clock mode.
Permits viewing all time-outs, interval split (lap) times, cumulative split
times and the total elapsed time recorded while in Chronograph mode.
In Timer mode, permits a 30-second time-out count-down.
D. MODE - Permits switching between Clock, Chronograph, Timer and
Pacer modes.
Clearing the Display to Zero
1. In Chronograph mode, verify timing operation is stopped and press
RESET button to clear display to zero.
2. In Timer mode, verify timing operation is stopped and press RESET
button. The first press clears display to previously set time. The second
press clears display to zero.
3. In Pacer mode, verify timing operation is stopped and press RESET
button to clear display to zero.
Clock Operation
1. Press MODE button until alarm time, date and time of day are displayed.
2. Press SELECT button to select digits for setting in the following order:
Alarm time, year, month, date, day, 12/24 hour, hours, minutes and
3. Press SET button to advance digits. Press and hold SET button for
rapid advancement.
4. Continue pressing SELECT and SET buttons until the alarm, time of day
and date are set as desired.
NOTE: Day indicators appear in the upper left corner and are abbreviated
as follows: Monday (MO), Tuesday (TU), Wednesday (WE), Thursday (TH),
Friday (FR), Saturday (SA), Sunday (SU).
5. Once all settings are entered as desired, press SELECT button to end
clock setting process and to return to normal Clock mode. Or, press
MODE button at any time while setting the clock to return to normal
Clock mode.
Time-of-Day Alarm
Follow steps 1-5 of “Clock Operation” section to set the time-of-day
alarm. The alarm is auto-matically activated when an alarm time is set.
To deactivate the time-of-day alarm, press RECALL button while in Clock
mode. “AL” indicator, in the upper right corner of display, flashes to indicate
time-of-day alarm is activated. “AL” indicator does not flash when alarm is
When the alarm time is reached, three short beeps sound for 15
seconds. If the unit is not in Clock mode when the alarm time is reached,
three short beeps sound once only.
Chronograph (Stopwatch) Operation
Unit records up to 99 time-outs, interval split (lap) times and cumulative
split times taken. With 60 memories available, it also permits recalling up to
59 timing events taken and total elapsed time recorded during chronograph
Time-In/Time-Out Timing
1. Press MODE button until “Lap, Split, Chrono” appear on the display.
Unit is in Chronograph mode.
2. Press START button to begin count-up. The bottom row begins
recording total elapsed time.
3. Press STOP button to stop count-up for a time-out. “Stop” appears on
the right side of bottom row to indicate a time-out is in progress.
4. Press START button to restart count-up. The bottom row resumes
count-up from the point at which it was stopped. “Stop” no longer
NOTE: Any number of time-outs may be taken by repeating steps 3 and 4
listed previously.
5. To reset chronograph, press the RESET button while count-up is
stopped. This will clear the display to zero.
Continuous Timing
For timing that lasts over 10 hours, the unit will instantly roll over to zero
when the maximum display is reached and will continue timing. Simply
make note of how many units of 10 hours have elapsed.
Cumulative and Interval Split (Lap) Timing
Cumulative split timing measures partial times while the stopwatch
continues to run and measure total elapsed time.
Interval split (lap) timing measures each round of timing (non-cumula-
1. Press MODE button until “Lap, Split, Chrono” appears on display. Unit
is in Chronograph mode.
2. Press START button to begin count-up. The bottom row begins
recording total elapsed time.
3. Press LAP button to record an interval split (lap) time and a cumulative
split time. Interval split (lap) time is shown on the top row while the
middle row shows cumulative split time.
4. Each press of the LAP button records a new interval split (lap) time and
a new cumulative split time. Lap counter, located on left side of top row,
keeps track of the number of interval split (lap) and cumulative split
times taken.
NOTE: Up to 99 interval split (lap) times, cumulative split times and time-
outs may be recorded but, since there are 60 memories, only the first 59
and the total elapsed time are shown during recall.
5. When all desired interval split (lap) and cumulative split times have been
recorded, press STOP button to halt the count-up.
6. While count-up is stopped press RESET button to clear display to zero.
Recalling Cumulative Splits, Interval Splits (laps) and Time-Outs
Unit is equipped with a Memory Recall function that permits viewing up
to 60 previously recorded interval split (lap) times, cumulative split times
and time-outs when either running or stopped in the Chronograph mode.
1. Verify unit is in Chronograph mode and at least one time-out or lap time
has been recorded.
2. Press RECALL button to access Memory Recall function. At this point,
count-up may be running or stopped. “Recall” appears on left side of
middle row. Interval split (lap) records are shown on the top row and
cumulative split records are shown on the middle row. The lap counter
indicates which lap record is being viewed. Time-outs are shown on the
bottom row with a “STOP” indicator.
3. With each press of the RECALL button, unit cycles through all time-out,
interval split (lap) and cumulative split records. Once all recorded
memories have been displayed, the next press of the RECALL button
returns unit to normal chronograph mode and “Recall” no longer
4. At any time, the memory Recall function may be halted by pressing the
MODE button. This action returns display to normal Chronograph mode
and “Recall” no longer appears.
NOTE: Up to 99 interval split (lap) times, cumu-lative split times and time-
outs may be recorded but, since there are 60 memories, only first 59 and
total elapsed time are shown during recall.
5. After stopping count-up, clear the display to zero by pressing RESET