C.B.S. Scientific DGGEK-4801 User Manual
Page 16

Cipher DGGE Instructions 2/28/14
1. S.G. Fischer and L.S. Lerman, (1983) PNAS 80:1579.
2. R.M. Myers, T. Maniatis, L.S. Lerman, (1987) Methods in Enzymology, 155: 501-529.
3. R.M. Meyers, V.C. Sheffield, D.R. Cox (1988) “Genome Analysis: A Practical Ap-
proach,” Ed. K Davies, IRL Press, Oxford. PP. 95-13
4. V.C. Sheffield, D.R. Cox, L.S. Lerman and R.M. Meyers, (1989) PNAS, 86:232-236
5. Guldberg, P., Henriksen, K.F., and Guttler, F. (1993). “Molecular analysis of phenylke-
“Molecular analysis of phenylke-
tonia in Denmark: 99% of the mutations detected by denaturing gradient gel electro-
phoresis.” Genomics 17:141-146
6. Moyret, C., Thellet, C., Puig, P.L., Moles, J-P., Thomas, G. and Hamelin, R. (1994).
“Relative efficiency of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and single-strand
conformation polymorphisms in the detection of mutations in exons 5 to 8 of the p53
gene.” Oncogene 9:1739-1743
7. Sheffield, V.C., Beck, J.S., Kwitek, A.E., Sandstrom, D.W., and Stone, E.M. (1993).
“The sensitivity of single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis for the detection
of single bas substitutions.” Genomics 16: 325-332.
8. Abrams, E.S. Stanton, V.P. Jr., (1992) “Use of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electropho-
resis to Study Conformational Transitions in Nucleic Acids” Methods in Enzymology
9 1 Unit Will Not Operate (no heat, cooling, or pumping)
• Check that the power cord is plugged in to an operating electrical outlet.
• Check that the Circuit Breaker/Power Switch is ON.
• Check that the Controller Power Switch is ON.
• Check that the Safety Set temperature is higher than the control temperature set
• Turn power off, press the Safety Set Reset button, and restore power.
9 2 No Pumping
• Check the fluid level of the bath to be sure the pump head is covered with fluid.
• If the pump motor does not spin, verify that the Pump Speed Switch is either in the
HIGH or LOW position. If it is in the middle, the pump will not receive power.
• Check the pump impeller for obstructions (it should turn freely).
9.3 Slow or Insufficient Pumping
• Check for low line voltage, particularly when the heater is on.
9 4 No Heating
• Verify that the unit is pumping properly.
• If the heat light is not lit, check the control temperature set point and bath tempera-
ture to verify that heating is required.
• Verify that the liquid in the bath covers the heater coils.
• Check that the Software High Limit value has not been exceeded (FLt 1 appears
on the display).
9.5 Insufficient Heating
• Verify that the unit is pumping properly.
• Check for proper line voltage.
• Check for excessive external cooling load on unit.
• At higher temperatures, insufficient heating could be due to excessive heat loss
from tanks, hoses, or vapor from the tank.
• Check that the heat demand from connected devices or experiments does not
exceed the heating capabilities of the unit.
• Allow sufficient time for bath temperature to stabilize when changes in heat load or
set point are made.
9 6 Triac Failure
• (FLt4) appears on the display, indicating that the heater triac has failed or line sup-
ply voltage has a source of extreme interference from other equipment. Plug the
unit into another power source. If it still displays triac failure, a triac or triac driver
needs replacement.
9 7 Samples Not Entering Gel After Loading
• When running one gel on a dual cassette, the conversion plate must be clamped
to the unused side to complete the cathode buffer chamber.