Installa! on – APG MNU Slave Sensor user manual User Manual

Page 6

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MNU Series Ultrasonic Sensors

Rev. B1, 5/13


Automa! on Products Group, Inc.

APG...Providing tailored solu• ons for measurement applica• ons

Tel: 1/888/525-7300 • Fax: 1/435/753-7490 • • [email protected]

NOTE: S! lling pipes are an excellent solu! on for liquid level

applica! ons where an unobstructed path to the target is not feasible

(see s! lling pipe moun! ng on page 9 for details).

• When moun! ng outdoors, it’s best to shade the sensor from direct

sunlight. Direct sunlight can warm the sensor housing above the ambient
temperature causing false temperature readings and overcompensa! on by
the sensor.

• Installa! on

Proper sensor moun! ng is cri! cal for successful opera! on of an ultrasonic
sensor. Using the following guidelines can help ensure trouble free installa! on
and opera! on:

• Ensure that the sensor face is perpendicular to the target surface. If the

target is more than a few degrees off perpendicular, it may not be

detected. Targets at greater distances will require more precise sensor


• Mount the sensor in a loca! on that provides an unobstructed column

of air from the sensor to the target. The required width of the air
column depends on several factors, including the angle and refl ec! ve
characteris! cs of any poten! al targets on the edge of the column, the
sensi! vity se$

ng of the sensor, the maximum distance to the target, and

the refl ec! ve characteris! cs of the target itself. Generally speaking a 3 to 4
foot diameter unobstructed column is suffi

cient even at longer ranges.

11.4 in.

19 in.

22.8 in.

26.6 in.

30.4 in. 34.2 in.

38 in.

3.8 in.

7.6 in.

15.2 in.

2 ft.

4 ft.

3 ft.

5 ft.

6 ft.

7 ft.

8 ft.

9 ft.

10 ft.

1 ft.


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