AirLive G.DUO User Manual
Page 94

8. WDS + AP Mode
AirLive G.DUO User’s Manual
Shared key. If you are not sure which one to use, please select “Auto”.
Key Length: The G.DUO offers 64bit and 128 bit for WEP key length. The
longer the Key Length, the more secure the encryption is.
Key Type: 2 types are available: ASCII and HEX. ASCII is a string of ASCII
code including alphabetical characters, space, signs and numbers (i.e.
“airlivepass12”). HEX is a string of 16-bit hexadecimal digits (0..9, a, b, c, d, e, f).
All wireless devices on the network must match the exact key length and Key type.
Some Wireless clients only allow HEX type for WEP.
ASCII-64: This is a key with 64-bit key length of ASCII type. Please enter 5
ASCII Characters if you choose this option. For example, “passw”
HEX-64: This is a key with 64-bit key length of HEX type. Please enter 10
Hexadecimal digits if you choose this option. For example, “12345abcdef”
ASCII-128: This is a key with 64-bit key length of ASCII type. Please enter 13
ASCII Characters if you choose this option. For example, “airlivewepkey”
HEX-128: This is a key with 128-bit key length of HEX type. Please enter 26
Hexadecimal digits if you choose this option. For example,
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) introduces the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
that provides added security. WPA2 adds full support for 802.11i standard and the
CCMP (AES Encryption). The WPA Mixed tries to authenticate wireless clients using
both WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK.
Encryption Type: There are two encryption types TKIP and CCMP (AES). While
CCMP provides better security than TKIP, some wireless client stations may not be
equipped with the hardware to support it. You can select
Mixed to allow TKIP clients
and CCMP clients to connect to the Access Point at the same time.
Pre-Shared Key Format: You can select between Passphrase(ASCII) or HEX
format. Please select Passphrase if you are not sure what to use.