2n officeroute – 2N OfficeRoute - User Manual User Manual
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2N OfficeRoute
As soon as the requested information is entered, the
respective operation is executed, new values are
displayed in the redrawn menu.
Some configuration parameters may have just one of
two constant values. By selecting such an item you
immediately make its value opposite to that preceding
the selection. Typical examples are on and off
parameters. If their value is on, then it becomes off
when the item is selected and vice versa.
Some commands execute operations that have a serious
impact on the behaviour of the entire system (such as
restart). Therefore, the system usually "makes sure"
before execution whether it is really your intention.
Are you sure [y/n] :
If you give an answer other than "y" or "Y", the
command will not be executed.
To cancel the command execution and quit the prompt
press the
key any time.
About Menus…
We shall discuss the serial console menus in detail in
sections devoted to gateway parameter settings. Below
is a brief survey of these menus only.
Main menu: Appears after the USB cable is connected
to the terminal (sometimes you must press Enter).
Configuration menu: Contains six submenus: network
configuration, serial console settings, command line,
states, reboot and settings.
Network configuration: Used for setting the gateway
IP address, network mask, initial router, DNS addresses,
network name and domain.
Serial console configuration: Helps set the terminal
type and change the initial serial link parameters –
transition rate, data and stop bits, parity and flow
control type.
Command line: Allows you to set/change basic
telephony settings – lcr, routes, sip, devices, calls, disa.
States: There are states of devices (strength of signal,
register status, etc.) and calls.
Reboot: This option restarts the device.
Settings: DHCP and VRRP server settings.