Java me – Google 2007 JavaOne Advance Conference Guide User Manual

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technical sessions | track five : java ME




Java ME

TS-5628 developing Flashy Mobile Applications, using SvG and

JSr 226

Martin Brehovsky, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Andrei Mihaila, Nokia
Marc Verstaen, Hyperion

Developing UIs for Java ME applications has typically meant using either
high-level LCDUI components, which do not provide enough flexibility, or
creating a custom UI using low-level graphics, which is flexible but very
difficult. With the introduction of JSR 226 (Scalable 2D Vector Graphics
API for Java ME), the landscape has changed—now applications with
an rich, animated, and interactive UI can be easily developed by use of
appropriate tools.

SVG with JSR 226 also brings a new style of application development to the
Java ME platform, similar to the development process of web applications.
A graphic artist can focus on creating presentation graphics for the
application, whereas application programmers can focus on creating
application business logic and not spending hours tweaking low-level
graphic UIs.

This session discusses all stages of JSR 226-powered application
development—from authoring tools for developing the SVG content,
through the Java ME IDE utilizing JSR 226 for integrating the SVG content
with business logic, to the deployment of the created application to the
real device. Multiple examples and demos, along with source code, are
shown for each stage of the development cycle, including a demonstration
of JSR 226-based applications running on real devices.

TS-5642 What to do with APdu?

Hartti Suomela, Nokia

JSR 177 (Security and Trust Services API) contains four optional
packages: APDU, CRUPTO, JCRMI, and PKI. The APDU package can be
used to communicate with smart cards on devices, but using it is not as
straightforward as one could imagine. There is a complicated system
for access control, and constructing an APDU requires reading through
a lot of documentation. The purpose of this session is to introduce the
audience to how the JSR 177 APDU package can be used and what the
restrictions are for its usage.

TS-5711 developing reliable Products: Static and dynamic

Code Analysis

Aleksandr Kuzmin, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Many software errors don’t manifest themselves during regular testing.
Software with subtle problems such as memory corruption may run
flawlessly on one platform but crash on another. Various memory leaks
may not be noticed during functional testing but may cause problems in
production deployment. Code stability is critical for embedded software
or server applications.

Dynamic analysis is helping identify the source of problems much faster as
well as alerting developers to problems we were previously unaware of.
Dynamic analysis discovers real problems (versus theoretical issues found
during static analysis). The precision of dynamic analysis is limited only by
runtime test coverage of the product.

It is static analysis that helps detect the defects beyond the limits
of runtime coverage. Its analytical tools report theoretical errors by
modeling possible dynamics of software applications by relying solely on
the source code.

Proper application of static and dynamic tools during development and
test cycles significantly helps improve the reliability of products.

During development and testing of a variety of Java ME products, Sun
teams run commercial and freeware analytical tools. This presentation
provides examples, statistics, and Sun success stories.

TS-5712 How to Build, run, and develop Code with the phoneME

open Source Project

Stuart Marks, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Hinkmond Wong, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

In this session, attendees can expect detailed instruction on how to
download, build, run, and develop code with the phoneME open source
project. They see firsthand how to use this project to build something
new for the exciting world of wireless devices. There are step-by-step
examples of developing new platforms, building cool apps, and creating
interesting demos on Java ME technology-enabled cell phones.

The phoneME project is the open source project at that addresses
the Java technology-based software stack for mobile phones (also
known in the past as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition [J2ME] and Java ME
technology). The objective of the phoneME project is to further expand
the usage of Java ME technology in the mobile handset market. The
project scope includes a focus on the mainstream feature phone segment,
with phoneME Feature software, and the emerging advanced phone
segment, with phoneME Advanced software. The goal in making these
technologies available to the mobile and embedded community as open
source code is to reduce implementation variation, increase the rate of
innovation, and enable new devices to leverage the power of Java ME.

TS-5585 Whiz-Bang Graphics and Media Performance for Java ME Applications

TS-5617 Open Source Object-Oriented Databases for Java ME Technology-Based Embedded


TS-5628 Developing Flashy Mobile Applications, Using SVG and JSR 226

TS-5642 What to Do with APDU?

TS-5711 Developing Reliable Products: Static and Dynamic Code Analysis

TS-5712 How to Build, Run, and Develop Code with the phoneME Open Source Project


track five : Java ME























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