Technical sessions | track five | java me – Google 2007 JavaOne Advance Conference Guide User Manual
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| technical sessions | track five : java ME
* Content subject to change.
Java ME
TS-5051 Tackling Java ME device Fragmentation: orange and
Sun Collaboration
Limor Bergman, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Rhian Sugden, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Martin Wrigley, Orange SA
When Java ME was first introduced, it promised WORA (write once, run
anywhere). In reality, WORA has been very difficult to achieve, however,
resulting in Java ME developers’ writing separate or custom software for
each device on which they want their application to execute. This device
fragmentation costs time and money and can result in the creation of a
different JAR file for each device. This is even more of an issue now that
code needs to be verified. Together, Sun and Orange have worked to
develop a set of guidelines for developers using the Java ME platform that
will help reduce the cost and effort of covering a wider range of devices.
This session walks through the design guidelines and provides developers
with practical advice on how an application can be written to achieve the
optimal balance of application performance and coverage of numerous
devices. Code samples illustrate specific techniques for writing MIDlets
that handle different device capabilities.
TS-5114 Welcome to the uI Theme Park: Customizing the Java ME
user Experience with JSr 258
Jere Kapyaho, Nokia Corporation
Customization of mobile device user interfaces has become increasingly
popular as the graphics and sound capabilities of the devices have been
greatly enhanced. Individual users like to personalize their devices,
whereas corporate entities such as carriers and device manufacturers
need to establish their brand and make the user experience more
seamless and predictable.
This session presents the Mobile User Interface Customization API for
Java ME (JSR 258) and demonstrates its use in practice. The API allows
software developers to query and manipulate the customizable properties
of the mobile device user interface. JSR 258 also defines a cross-platform,
XML-based exchange format for appearance data, for use by content
developers and distributors.
The session presents the concepts of systemwide themes and application-
specific skins in the API. Themes are collections of data about the
appearance of the mobile device user interface. Activating a theme
triggers UI changes that affect the whole device, whereas individual
applications can be customized by application of skins.
The presentation shows code examples of how developers can access
theme and skin data in Java ME applications using the JSR 258 API. It
also introduces the file format for describing UI customization data,
intended to be used as the transport and storage format for customization
data. The data can be used across mobile devices from different
vendors and various user interface toolkits. Finally, the session provides
a demonstration of the effects of changing the active theme or skin
The Mobile User Interface Customization API is in the final stages of the
Java Community Process and will be available for licensing by the 2007
JavaOne conference.
TS-5180 Mobile, Embedded, and Consumer General Session
John Muhlner, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Laurie Tolson, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This session is intended to give developers an overview of what is
happening in the consumer space today and which trends are going to be
significant in the near future. It’s a must for novices and experts alike.
TS-5188 Web Services to Go: Mobile Access to Web Services with
JSrs 279 and 280
Stephen Lewontin, Nokia
Pia Niemela, Nokia Corporation
Ellen Siegel, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Web services are everywhere, but interacting with them from mobile
devices has been less than completely straightforward. Not anymore!
JSRs 280 (XML API for Java ME) and 279 (Service Connection API for Java
ME) are changing the status quo, by adding platform support for XML and
web services, creating a new mobile web services ecosystem. JSR 280
provides a general-purpose API for XML processing, extending JSR 172 and
adding Streaming API for XML (StAX) and Document Object Model (DOM)
parsing. JSR 279 builds on JSR 280’s XML API and provides a framework for
straightforward access to networked services, incorporating support for
service discovery, authentication, and identity.
Come learn how to integrate web services into your mobile applications.
This presentation provides a brief overview of XML, web services, and
service-oriented architecture; describes the key features of JSRs 279
and 280, with example client code; and concludes with a brief demo
illustrating the new device capabilities. No detailed background is
required, although basic familiarity with Java ME and web services would
be helpful.
TS-5203 Web 2.0 Applications on a Next-Generation Java
Card Platform
Laurent Lagosanto, Gemalto
Jean-Jacques Vandewalle, Gemalto
Web applications are becoming more and more important in our daily
operations. They tend to replace locally installed desktop applications
with flexible and networked browser-centric applications. This trend,
sometimes called Web 2.0, is an evolution of the web. Originally designed
to deliver information, the web is becoming an infrastructure for running
applications. This evolution is supported by a set of technologies and a
development technique encompassed by the term “Ajax,” an acronym for
“Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.” The Ajax technique overcomes the
classical web application model based on page refresh per user click to
provide a rich user experience comparable to that of desktop applications.
The goal of this session is to introduce the stake and technologies of those
modern web applications to discuss the roles smart devices can play in
such a context. The main driver of the discussion is that a user-attached
secure personal device with processing and storage capabilities brings
important opportunities to the smart card industry for broadening the
impact and usage of high-end products.