Technical sessions | track four | java ee, Java ee – Google 2007 JavaOne Advance Conference Guide User Manual
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| technical sessions | track four : java EE |
* Content subject to change.
Java EE
TS-4919 Adding Telephony to Java Technology-Based
Enterprise Applications
Sreeram Duvur, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Jonathan Kaplan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
“Converged applications” are an important new segment of the
enterprise market. This session focuses on the convergence of Voice-
over-IP (VoIP) with enterprise applications. Adding VoIP support enables
a new range of applications, such as click-calling, enhanced call center
applications, and web conferencing, that tightly integrate voice channels
with business data.
The session demonstrates how to implement converged applications by
using Java EE. It discusses Conference Manager, a project from Sun Labs
for managing, visualizing, and controlling conference calls. Conference
Manager, implemented as a traditional Java EE technology-based
application, allows users to set up conference calls from a web interface.
Conference Manager has been enhanced, based on the SIP servlet
specification, to interact in real time with a software conference bridge,
which makes it possible to display live information to users, such as who is
present on a conference call and who is currently speaking.
The presentation focuses on the architecture of Conference Manager as
an example of a typical converged application. It discusses the overall
design as well as in-depth solutions for three important problems. On the
back end, it shows how to connect the Java EE container with a software
conference bridge by using the Java EE connector architecture. It also
describes how the Conference Manager uses SIP servlets to provide real-
time access to conference call state. On the front end, the presentation
demonstrates two interfaces for conference visualization: a browser-
based Ajax interface as well as a mobile interface based on IP Multimedia
Subsystems (IMS).
The session addresses issues related building a telephony application
in Java EE, by providing examples of how to architect for performance,
scalability, and reliability. It discusses common problems, including how
to store and access rapidly changing application state, how to checkpoint
this state for rapid failover, and how to use techniques such as load
balancing over multiple servers to achieve scalability.
The presentation is for developers who are familiar with Java EE and would
like to learn how to integrate VoIP-based telephony into their enterprise
applications. Attendees learn about important standards, including Java
EE 5, SIP, and SIP servlets (JSR 116 and 289). They also learn techniques
for building reliable, scalable enterprise applications that seamlessly
integrate voice channels. Although some knowledge of Java EE is
expected, no prior knowledge of VoIP or telephony is necessary.
TS-4945 Java Persistence 2.0
Linda DeMichiel, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
One of the key outcomes of Java EE 5 was the introduction of the Java
Persistence API, a new, simplified API for POJO persistence and object/
relational mapping for use in both the Java EE and Java SE environments.
The purpose of Java Persistence 2.0 is to augment the Java Persistence API
to include further features requested by the community, including object/
relational mapping and query language capabilities, and standardization
of features currently designated as optional in Java Persistence 1.0.
This session provides a brief overview of some of the topics under
consideration by the Java Persistence 2.0 Expert Group, why they need to
be addressed, and progress to date.
These areas include the following:
• Expanded object/relational mapping functionality, including greater
flexibility in combining existing mapping options, support for collections
of embedded objects, ordered lists, combinations of access types,
additional metadata to support DDL generation, and so on.
• Expanded query capabilities and additions to the Java Persistence query
• Standardization of additional contracts for entity detachment and
merge, and persistence context management
• Standardization of sets of “hints” for query configuration and entity
manager configuration
• Expanded pluggability contracts for Java EE environments
TS-4948 unleashing the Power of JAx-WS rI: Spring, Stateful
Web Services, SMTP, and More
Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Jitendra Kotamraju, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Vivek Pandey, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) RI goes beyond a typical web
services stack. It provides various goodies that exceed the requirements
of the specification, so that developers do not have to look elsewhere for
solutions while developing web-services-based applications. This session
is about empowering developers with all the JAX-WS RI extensions, such as
the following and many more:
• Spring support: get your service and/or handlers configured
through Spring.
• Stateful web services: if your service needs to maintain state for
each client, stateful web service support makes it easy to do so in an
object-oriented way.
• HTTP session-scoped services: if you like the productivity gain of
stateful web services and yours is an HTTP service, this will make it
easier for you.
• Server-side asynchrony: if you need to build a highly scalable
service that supports numerous concurrent clients, JAX-WS RI has
something for you.
• Additional transports: the Java Message Service (JMS) API, SOAP/TCP,
SMTP--JAX-WS RI can be used with a variety of different transports for
different needs.
• HTTP traffic logging: JAX-WS can help you troubleshoot problems by
enabling you to see what’s being sent on the wire.
• Adding SoAP headers: if you need to add headers that are not in WSDL,
you can do so without using handlers.
The presentation goes through all the extensions and their use cases,
which you can download and start using today. At the end of the session,
developers will be ready to take advantage of these extensions.