Our approach to accessibility – Google Accessibility Administrator Guide User Manual

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Administrator Guide to Accessibility


Our Approach to Accessibility

Google’s mission is to make the world’s information more accessible for all users,

including people with disabilities, such as blindness, visual impairment, color deficiency,

deafness, and hearing loss. We’re working towards these goals by:

Building in accessibility into key Google products

Developing accessibility APIs and services for Google Android and ChromeOS


Supporting open standards to ensure that the greater Web is accessible through all

adaptive technologies

Google Apps offers the ability for people to work and interact together. So we’re investing

in development to make this collaboration as accessible as possible.

A guiding principle at Google is to focus on the user. We’ve developed active partnerships

with advocacy groups and people with disabilities for their input and feedback. Our

Accessibility Team, which is made of up of a diverse group of people, serves as

accessibility consultants within Google and develops the accessibility frameworks that

product teams build upon.

We hope to have a positive impact on the current state of accessibility on the Web, and to

continue to serve all of our users.