3 performing a measurement, Performing a measurement – Eppendorf G0.5 µPlate User Manual

Page 18

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μPlate G0.5

English (EN)



Performing a measurement

1. Start the PlateReader software.

2. Connect the software to the PlateReader.

The PlateReader software standard window opens.

3. In the Explorer bar, select "UV 260 nm microvolume" on the left-hand side of the

window by double clicking or via drag and drop.

Abb. 5-9:Method strip UV 260 nm microvolume

Fig. 5-9:

Method strip

UV 260 nm microvolume

The corresponding method strip appears.

4. Select the desired mode for the blanking. If individual blank values are to be

determined, select the "Individual Blanking" checkbox. If you would like to determine
the average blank value, leave the checkbox unchecked (see Average blanking on p. 10)
and (see Individual Blanking on p. 11).

5. Select a sample type (e.g., dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, etc.) from the drop-down list.

6. Click on the "Start Blanking" button to initialize the blank measurement.

The plate transport will move out of the instrument. The user will be prompted to insert
the μPlate G0.5 with the corresponding blank solution.

The blank measurement starts and can be monitored in the window with the progress bar.
The results of the blanking (date and time, sample positions selected for the blanking,
blank value range and maximum CV) are displayed next to the plate preview in the
method strip and stored until the device is disconnected.

If the blank measurement has been completed successfully, the plate will move out
automatically. Now the plate is ready for samples to be deposited and analyzed.

Remove the remaining blank solution from the sample positions by wiping off the quartz
wells using a piece of lint-free paper. Then place 2 μL of each sample on each of the wells.

If the μPlate G0.5 has been loaded with samples and correctly positioned on the plate
carrier, click on the green "Start" button.