8 loading samples using the pipetting aid, 9 pipetting with multi-channel pipettes, 10 pipetting with single-channel pipettes – Eppendorf G0.5 µPlate User Manual
Page 17: Loading samples using the pipetting aid, Pipetting with multi-channel pipettes, Pipetting with single-channel pipettes
μPlate G0.5
English (EN)
Loading samples using the pipetting aid
1. Position the pipetting aid on the wells with the wells facing downward.
2. Secure the pipetting aid using the pins.
3. Pipette the samples into the wells.
Abb. 5-8:μPlate G0.5 with pipetting aid
Fig. 5-8:
μPlate G0.5 with pipetting aid
4. Carefully remove the pipetting aid using an upward motion without touching the
5. Close the μPlate G0.5 lid immediately after loading.
6. Insert the μPlate G0.5 in the PlateReader AF2200.
Pipetting with multi-channel pipettes
The quickest way to apply the 16 samples on the μPlate G0.5 is using an 8-channel
Pipetting with single-channel pipettes
Loading with a single-channel pipette is also possible. In the process, the following points
must be observed:
• Always use a new, unused tip to prevent contamination with other samples.
• Work efficiently or the samples may evaporate. This will lead to inaccurate results.
• Close the μPlate G0.5 lid immediately after applying the samples.
The filled μPlate G0.5 should always be measured within 5 minutes in order to
prevent evaporation of the sample or the blank - and avoid imprecise results.