Steering columns – Advance Adapters 716806A User Manual
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P/N: 716806A
P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Paso Robles, CA 93447
PAGE 3 OF 10
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
Page Rev. Date:
The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components
will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly
recommend that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components.
We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals
are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.
We stock Saginaw power steering boxes from
PSC and the TRITON. These steering boxes are ideal for the offroad enthusiast
that uses their vehicle as a daily driver. These units use a large piston and have a 16:1 turning ratio. The valving is designed for
a more firm and precise steering effort. This gives you more stability and control at highway speeds, and less oversteer offroad.
These units also help stabilize larger tires giving the vehicle a more stable feel on the highway. The PSC boxes are new and the
Triton boxes are rebuilt.
P/N 716881-P
-PSC Saginaw power steering box with o-ring fittings
(.730 dia., 36 spline input shaft)
P/N 716882
Triton Saginaw power steering box with o-ring fittings
(.730 dia., 30 spline input shaft)
We also offer a complement power steering pump from
PSC. These pumps work well when combined with the steering boxes
mentioned above. Larger cam packed with a larger rotor and vanes enables these pumps to flow 3.4 gallons per minute, and produce
1500 psi. The custom ported housing makes for less flow restriction, allowing the pump to run stronger and cooler.
P/N 716885-P
-Power steering pump w/ o-ring fitting, (does not include pulley)
P/N 716886-P
-Power steering pump w/ o-ring fitting and remote reservoir, (does not include pulley)
Power Steering Hoses
P/N 716887-P
-Power steering pressure hose kit for o-ring box
P/N 716888-P
-Power steering return hose kit for o-ring box
P/N 716889-P
-Power steering heat sink cooler kit
The stock steering column is the easiest option when installing the Saginaw steering. If you are planning to use a custom steering
column, some fabrication will be necessary for mounting.
The stock steering column protrudes through the firewall and into the engine compartment where it enters the stock Jeep worm
gear steering mechanism. The steering box must be disassembled so that the worm portion of the steering column shaft can be
cut off. Once removed, the end of the shaft must be machined to fit the universal joint provided. The diameter of this shaft must
be machined to fit a 7/8” (.875”) universal joint.
After the shaft has been machined, the column can be reassembled with the modified shaft. To support the shaft in the center of
the column, a bushing
(P/N 716810)
fits into the column housing with a precision fit on the shaft. Make sure the bushing and
the shaft have sufficient clearance for easy turning. The column will then need to be assembled into the support plate. The new
steering shaft bushing must be installed into the bottom of the steering column so that alignment and support of the shaft is
With the bushing in place, you can now install the universal yoke. Slip the yoke in position onto the shaft and firmly up against the
bushing. Before tightening the set screw, have someone push the steering wheel downward. You will find that the column has
a slight spring tension. Make sure that the tension will provide a slight pressure of the universal yoke against the bushing. We require
the universal yoke installation to have a spot drilled in line with the set screw.
Failure to make each yoke installation as specified
could result in the loss of control of the vehicle.
UNIVERSAL(minus spud shaft & column yoke)