Advance Adapters 713093 User Manual
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P/N: 713093
P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
Page Rev. Date:
The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the
components will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion,
we strongly recommend that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter
components. We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment.
These manuals are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.
Engine Installation:
* For ease of installation, leave the engine motor mount brackets off until the engine is in place.
* The Vortec engine is very large. Firewall modifications are minor, yet mandatory.
* A trial run is highly recommended.
* The engine and transmission should be bolted together for an easier installation.
Using an approved engine
hoist, lower the engine into
the compartment. Pay atten-
tion to the exhaust manifolds
and the radiator (removing
the radiator is a good idea).
The engine may not slide fully
into the compartment due to
firewall interferences (check
the clearance on both the
driver’s and passenger side
around the engine heads and above both of the exhaust manifolds). Mark
these spots with a pen, remove engine, and clearance the firewall accordingly. Lower the engine back in and check the
clearance. Using the supplied hardware, attach the engine mounts to the block.
Take the four large 1/4” spacers (2 per side) and trial fit them to get a comfort-
able front-to-rear engine placement. These mounts have up to 1/2” movement
front-to-rear to account for any differences in frame locations and to “fine
tune” engine placement. Use the 1/2” bolts and nylon nuts to secure the engine
to the frame. Bolt the steering pillow block assembly to the mount. Take a
quick look around the engine and steering to make sure there are no clearance
issues. You should have just enough room to fit your hand between the engine
and firewall/frame.
Air Conditioning Modifications:
In order to retain air conditioning into the TJ, there are some fairly major modifications that need to be made. The frame
must be modified if the air conditioning compressor is to be used. The configuration of the serpentine belt on the newer
blocks will not allow the compressor bracket to be located anywhere else besides stock. The best way to determine the
proper clearance on the frame would be to do a dry run once the new mounts are in place. It is a good idea to keep the
stock A/C pump lines and manifold handy when checking the clearances. Please keep in mind that it is far easier to make
minor trimming and check often, than it is to repair a frame rail with too much taken out of it. Remove, protect, or re-
route anything flammable during this entire procedure. Under a high heat situation, brake fluid will boil, and at that point