Advance Adapters 50-5905D User Manual
Page 6

The low gear and needle bearing must then be installed onto the new shaft supplied. The
new thrust bushing and 1/4" ball will need to be placed on top of the output gear as
The new roller bearing will need to be installed into the
adapter housing and retained by the snap ring provided.
One of the thrust bushing gets placed in the housing and
then the second bearing is then pressed into the adapter
housing. We have also included a new caged needle
bearing that needs to be installed into the adapter housing
for the cluster gear support.
leave the new shaft assembly standing upright on the work bench and install the casting with
the roller bearings on to the shaft assembly. The spacer washer between the bearing may
need to be alined with the bearing bores so as to allow the shaft to be slipped fully into the
casting assembly. This shaft assembly is a light press fit. Once the shaft is installed through
the bearings then install the small snap ring on the shaft. This snap ring will prevent the
output shaft from traveling forward. Make sure the gear has the proper end play .007-.010".
The shift fork or shift rod for the
reduction box must be modified. A
key stock has been provided to be
welded to the shifting component.
This has to be done because this is
the only shift rod retained in the
crawler box.
With the proper end play determined, the new shaft, gear, thrust bushings all in position & assembled into the new adapter,
and the shifter modifications made, you can now assemble this assembly on the reduction gear box. Make sure that the
new bearing has been installed for the counter shaft. Make sure that the shifter ring and fork are in the proper location
and the pocket needle bearing is installed in the output shaft.
We have included 11 stud bolts, lock washers, flat washers,
and nuts. Six (6) of these fasteners are for the front of the full
transfer case and five (5) of them are for the crawler box.
The transfer case shift rod
on the full transfer case
should be shortened slightly to prevent any interference with
the reduction gear box shifter rod. Cutting the chamfered
portion off of this rod is normally sufficient.
P/N: 50-5905D
P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Old Part No: MC03
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
Page Rev. Date:
The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components
will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly
recommend that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components.
We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals
are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.
The first bearing is pressed in
and retained with a snap ring. A
thrust washer is placed on the
bearing and the second bearing is
pressed into the casting.