Advance Adapters 50-5710 User Manual

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The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the compo-

nents will void any possible warranty or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changed that will be required to complete your conversion,

we strongly recommend that you contact our sales department for more information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter

components. We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment.

These manual are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.

Left hand transfer case.

The shift rod requires a

extension rod to provide

additional clearance.

The Atlas also requires

a speedometer housing

for the transfer case.


P.O. BOX 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way

Paso Robles, CA 93447


Telephone: (800) 350-2223

Fax: (805) 238-4201

Page Rev. Date:



(95-1/2 to 04 3.4L V6 Manual & Auto, 4.7L auto's)

retainer and is bolted on with the (6) 3/8"-16 hex head bolts. Once the adapter plate is secured and orientated correctly,

you'll now need to couple it onto the back of the stock transmission tailhousing. The stock tailhousing used two dowel

pins to align the stock transfer case to the transmission. These dowel pins must be retained into the stock tailhous-

ing for proper alinement of the Atlas onto the transmission. The Toyota transmissions have a short spline length on

the output shaft, since the spud shaft does not bottom out into the Atlas, this spud shaft could move back and forth

on the splines. We have included a spring that must be installed into the Atlas input. This spring will force the spud

shaft to retain full spline contact on the Toyota output shaft. Install the Atlas to the transmission and secure with the

new metric socket head fasteners.

The vehicle may require some tunnel modifications for the proper fit into the vehicle, and the Atlas shifter will require

some modifications to fit into the Tacoma.

Right hand Atlas transfer case.