Advance Adapters 716131-V User Manual
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P/N: 716131-V
P.O. Box 247, 4320 Aerotech Center Way
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Telephone: (800) 350-2223
Fax: (805) 238-4201
Page Rev. Date:
SPECIAL NOTE: The components packaged in this kit have been assembled and machined for specific type of conversions. Modifications to any of the components will void any possible warranty
or return privileges. If you do not fully understand modifications or changes that will be required to complete your conversion, we strongly recommend that you contact our sales department for more
information. This instruction sheet is only to be used for the assembly of Advance Adapter components. We recommend that a service manual pertaining to your vehicle be obtained for specific torque
values, wiring diagrams and other related equipment. These manuals are normally available at automotive dealerships and parts stores.
3. Pilot the aluminum torque converter ring onto the torque convert. Line up the holes on the ring to the torque convert
bosses. Verify the thread pitch needed and bolt the ring to the torque converter. Thread retainer and flat washers
should be used.
On the 1991 & earlier Jeep torque converter bolt patterns, the torque converters had either a 5/
16" or 3/8" bolt thread. Our aluminum ring has been drilled with clearance holes for 5/16" bolts only. If your torque
converter requires a 3/8" bolt size, then you will need to drill the holes in the aluminum ring to fit the 3/8" torque
converter bolts. If this is necessary, this should be done on a drill press, and a 13/32" drill bit should be used.
4. Once the transmission has been modified, you can begin the assembly process.
5. Assemble the transmission to engine assembly using the new transmission dowel pins for proper alignment. These
components should slide together. If interference prevents you bolting the units together, YOU SHOULD NOT PULL
COMPONENTS TOGETHER WITH THE BOLTS. Check for interference and/or verify the measurement of your stock
engine and flexplate. Please call our technical sales department if your not sure of the interference problem.
6. Once the engine and transmission are assembled, the fleplate to converter bolts must be accessed through the lower portion
of the bellhousing and adapter. The torque converter must be pulled forward towards the engine and rotated to match the
bolt pattern of the flexplate. The converter must move a minimum space of .100" to meet the flexplate. This will allow
the necessary transmission front pump clearance.
If no clearance is provided, the pump area of the
transmission will be destroyed. Most flex plates are dual drilled to GM TH350 and TH400 torque converters. Our
aluminum ring is also dual drilled To match the various stock flexplates. Match 3 holes of the flexplate to the new aluminum
ring and use 3 the bolts provided.
7. You must then bolt the torque converter assembly to the flexplate. You will have to install one bolt at a time into
the torque converter ring and then rotate the flexplate assembly. You might find it easier to remove the spark plugs
on the engine so you can turn the flexplate assembly by hand. Once all fasteners are lightly snug to the torque
converter, torque the flexplate to aluminum ring bolts to 30 ft.lbs.
This adapter is precision engineered and machined. At no time should the fastening hardware be used to "suck it up". Any
additional assistance should be directed to the technical sales department of Advance Adapters, Inc. (800-350-2223).
The dust cover that we have furnished with this kit will is designed for the Gen 2 engines. You will need to modify the inside
diameter of the steel sheet metal plate to allow for clearance around the rear main seal area.