Options, Air line to platform 11-1, Dual fuel 11-1 – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual

Page 51: 24v dc battery power 11-1, Bi-energy 11-1, Work lights 11-1, Flashing light 11-1, Rcd/elcb ac outlet 11-1, Sandblast protection kit 11-1, Platform rotator 11-1

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11. Options

Air Line To Platform

This con sists of *” pres sure flex yel low hose rated
at 150 psi work ing pres sure, fit ted with quick dis -
con nect cou plers at each end .

Dual Fuel

This op tion con sists of an AC mo tor rated at ei ther
110 or 230 volts AC 50/60Hz mounted un der the fi -
ber glass cov ers. A se lec tor switch is used to change
from gas

o line to elec tric. The same con

trols are

used to stop and start the elec tric mo tor.

This op tion is used in shop ping malls and other
built up ar eas.

24V DC Battery Power

This op tion con sists of a 24V DC mo tor and bat ter -
ies that are used to power all func tions.


This con sists of a com bi na tion of both gas o line (or
die sel) en gine and the 24V DC mo tor to give a
Bi-en ergy op tion.

Work Lights

Rub ber en cased work lights can be fit ted to the
plat form guard rails. The lights are swivel mounted
and each has its own switch.

Flashing Light

For this option see Chapter 2 page 3


A 3 core wire rated at 600 volts AC 15 amps is run
up the booms as stan dard.

For this option see Chapter 2 Page 3.

Sandblast Protection Kit

This op tion con sists of a bel lows type cover fit ted to
each boom cyl in der shaft.

The bel lows pre vent sand and paint from dam ag ing
the cyl in der rods and seals, and thus pre vent hy -
drau lic oil leaks.

DO NOT paint or sandblast from an
MHP15/44 unless the cylinder rods are
protected by bellows.

Platform Rotator

This op tion al lows the op er a tor to move the plat -
form around the boom, 45


each side of cen ter, to

gain better ac cess to work sites.

MHP15/44 – 12459A

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