Operation from ground control box 9-2, Operation from ground control box, 9-2, Operation from ground control box -2 – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual

Page 48: Emergency operation

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Operation From Ground Control Box

Figure 9.5 - Manual Lower Valve

1. Open man ual valve  to lower plat form by turn -
ing the knob coun ter clock wise.


To slew or lower the Jib Boom when us ing the
Emer gency Low er ing valve the Mas ter Key
and the Emer gency Stop Switch must
be on and the Plat form/Ground Switch must be
set to ground (see Fig ures 9.1 and 9.2).

Op er ate Slew or Jib Boom Lower at the lower
con trol box whilst the booms are low er ing.


When emer gency low er ing, it is only pos si ble to
Slew or lower the Jib Boom whilst the Up per and
Lower booms are low er ing.


When us ing the emer gency low er ing valve it is
im por tant to close the valve fully (turn the knob
clock wise) once low er ing is com plete.

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MHP15/44 – 12459A

9. Emergency Operation

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