Ground control switches 7-6, Emergency lower 7-6, Lower control box 7-6 – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual
Page 39: Upper control box 7-6, Platform control switches 7-6, Emergency lower, 7-6, Lower control box, 7-6, Ground control switches -6 emergency lower -6, Lower control box -6 upper control box -6, Platform control switches -6

■ Ground Control Switches
Figure 7.22 - Ground Control Switches
With the Ground/Platform Selector set to
Check that each of the platform moving switches
( through to ) cause the MHP15/44 to move the
way it should.
Check both po si tions of each switch.
For cor rect op er at ing pro ce dures see the “Op er a -
tion” chap ter 8.
Pay particular attention to the Emergency Stop
switch to see that it turns the MHP15/44
engine off when the red button is struck.
■ Emergency Lower
Lower control box
Figure 7.23 - Emergency Lower Valve
With the booms raised open the Emergency
Lower Valve at the rear of the column.
The booms should be gin to lower. The rate of low -
er ing can be reg u lated by the amount the valve is
To check the slew func tion when us ing the man ual
emer gency lower valve the Mas ter Key Switch
and Emer gency Stop switch must be on and the
Plat form/ground Se lec tor must be set to ground.
To slew (with the man ual emer gency lower valve
al ready open) se lect the re quired di rec tion on the
slew tog gle switch .
The manual emergency lower valve must be
closed after the test to ensure proper boom
For cor rect emer gency low er ing op er at ing pro ce -
dures see “Emer gency Op er a tion” chap ter 9.
Upper control box
Emer gency lower from the up per con trol box is
achieved by turn ing the up per con trol to on and de -
press ing the foot switch whilst op er at ing the Emer -
gency Lower switch
To slew the unit se lect the di rec tion re quired on the
slew tog gle switch at the same time. For cor rect
emer gency low er ing op er at ing pro ce dures see
“Emer gency Op er a tion” chap ter 9.
■ Platform Control Switches
Figure 7.24 - Platform Control Switches
On the ground con trol box set the Ground/Plat -
form Se lec tor to plat form.
Check that each of the platform moving switches
( through to ) cause the platform to move the
way it should.
page 7 - 6
MHP15/44 – 12459A
7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance