Introduction, Standard mhp15/44 iii, Options iii – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual

Page 5: Operation manual iii, Safety alerts iii, Operation iii, Danger, Caution, Warning

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The most im por tant chap ter in this man ual is the
safety chap ter - Chap ter 1. Take time, now, to study
it closely. The in for ma tion in Chap ter 1, might save
your life, pre vent se ri ous in jury, or dam age to prop -
erty or the MHP15/44.

Standard MHP15/44

The stan

dard MHP15/44 in

cludes the fol



fea tures:

Proportional speed control

Versatile jib boom

Heavy duty tow coupling

Heavy duty jockey wheel

Hydraulic disc brakes

High strength steel boom and base

Reliable gasoline engine

Steel platform - 2 man capacity

600V AC rated wire to platform

Hour meter

Lockable hinged covers

Outrigger/boom interlocks

Independently operated hydraulic outriggers

Gravity gate


The fol


ing op

tions are avail

able for the




continuous rotation turntable

Flashing light

110/240V AC GFCI power to platform

Platform rotator

Lifting lugs

Automatic stabilisers

Alternative power options

Alternative gasoline engine

Diesel engine

24V DC battery power

110/240V AC motor and pump

Combinations of the above with gas or
diesel to give a bi-energy power source

Sand blast protection kit

Operation Manual

This man

ual pro

vides in



tion for safe and

proper op er a tion of the ae rial plat form. Read and
un der stand the in for ma tion in this Op er a tor's man -
ual be fore op er at ing this ma chine on a job site.

Additional copies of this manual may be ordered
from Snorkel. Supply the model and manual part
number from the front cover to ensure that the
correct manual will be supplied.

All in for ma tion in this man ual is based on the lat est
prod uct in for ma tion at the time of pub li ca tion. Snor -
kel re serves the right to make prod uct changes at
any time with out ob li ga tion.

Safety Alerts

A safety alert sym bol is used through out this man -
ual to in di cate dan ger, warn ing and cau tion in struc -
tions. Fol

low these in


tions to re

duce the

like li hood of per sonal in jury, prop erty dam age or
dam age to the ma chine.

The terms dan ger, warn ing, and cau tion in di cate
vary ing de grees of per sonal in jury or prop erty dam -
age that can re sult if the in struc tion is not fol lowed.

Denotes an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

Denotes a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

Denotes a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

It may also be used to alert against unsafe
practices or action which may result in
damage to the MHP.

Notes are used to pro vide spe cial in for ma tion or
help ful hints to as sist in ae rial plat form op er a tion,
but do not in di cate a haz ard ous sit u a tion.


The MHP ae rial plat form has built in safety fea tures
and has been fac tory tested for com pli ance with
Snor kel spec i fi ca tions and in dus try stan dards.
How ever, any per son nel lift ing de vice can be po -
ten tially dan ger ous in the hands of un trained or
care less op er a tors.

Training is vi tally im por tant and must be performed
un der the di rec tion of a QUALIFIED per son. You
must dis play pro fi ciency in knowl edge and ac tual
op er a tion of the MHP be fore us ing it on a job site.

MHP15/44 – 12459A

page - iii




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