From platform control box 8-5, Securing for day 8-5, Foot switch, 8-5 – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual
Page 46: Securing for day, 8-5, From platform control box -5, Securing for day -5, Operation

From Platform Control Box
When you op er ate from the plat form con trol box, be
sure that the lan yard of your fall re straint is at -
tached to an an chor point on the plat form mount.
Also, be sure the grav ity gate is closed. Each of the
ways the plat form can move is shown in the fol low -
ing pho to graph and switch il lus tra tion:
The pho to graph shows the plat form switches that
cause the plat form or booms to move.
These plat form mov ing switches, ( through ),
will pro duce the move ment as in di cated by the il -
lus tra tion's to the right.
Figure 8.10 - Movement Control, Platform
Control Box
You must be step ping on the plat form foot switch
when you use any of the plat form mov ing
switches ( through ) The plat form foot switch is
a safety fea ture to pre vent the plat form from mov -
ing if a plat form mov ing switch, or con trol ler, is ac ci -
den tally pushed.
Figure 8.11 - Platform Foot Switch
■ Securing for Day
At the end of each work day the MHP15/44 should
be re turned to the STOWED POSITION and locked
as de scribed un der “Stowing” in the "Stowing and
Trans porting" chap ter 10.
MHP15/44 – 12459A
page 8 - 5
8. Operation