Setting the stabilisers manually 8-3, Starting from platform control box 8-3, Starting from platform control box, 8-3 – Snorkel MHP44 User Manual

Page 44: Setting the stabilisers manually -3, Starting from platform control box -3, Warning, Operation

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For units fit ted with self lev el ling sta bi lis ers the fol -
low ing ap plies.

1. Press and hold down the auto level switch


The sta



ers will lower and the ma

chine will

“level” au to mat i cally.


Switch  is also used to raise the sta bi lis ers to
the stowed po si tion. To do so press and hold
 in the auto stow di rec tion and all the
sta bi lis ers will raise au to mat i cally to the stowed
po si tion.


Although this option is designed to automatically
set the sta bi lis ers it is also possible to set the
sta bi lis ers manually.

Setting the stabilisers manually

1. Operate each switch € (see Figure 8.4) to

raise or lower each stabiliser one at a time.
Use the level bubble (see Figure 2.7 in
Safety Devices Chapter) to check the
machine is level.

When levelling the machine in either the
manual or automatic mode care is required
to ensure that all of the foot plates are firmly
on the ground, the machine is level and the
lift enable light is ON before entering the

Starting From Platform Control Box

Be fore you be gin to op er ate the MHP15/44 from
the plat form con trol box, a qual i fied op er a tor must
per form the "Daily In spec tion and Main te nance" as
de scribed in chap ter 7, of this man ual.

To start the en gine from the plat form con trol box
you must first set some switches on the ground
con trol box, in clud ing set ting the out rig gers and
lev el ing the ma chine.
(See page 8-2 for in for ma tion on set ting the sta bi -
lis ers)

1. Insert the key  into the Master Key Switch

at the ground control box and turn the key on
(see Figure 8.5).

Figure 8.5

2. Set the Platform/Ground Selector € (see

Figure 8.5) at the ground control box to

Figure 8.6

3. Enter the platform, close the gravity gate ,

and attach the lanyard of your fall restraint
(safety harness) to one of the anchor points

‚ (see Figure 8.6).

MHP15/44 – 12459A

page 8 - 3

8. Operation


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