Components and functions – Lukas traversing system User Manual
Page 9

4. Components and functions
4.1.1 Rerailing bridge
The rerailing bridge is placed at right angles over the tracks and provides the support and
moving surface for the LUKAS rolling carriages and the DUO traversing unit.
If one bridge is not long enough, a second bridge can be screwed on by means of joining
The integrated anchor cylinder locates as a locking pin in the arresting openings in the top of
the rerailing bridge. The rerailing bridges are transported using the pull-out handles mounted
at the sides.
4.1.2 Rolling carriages
The LUKAS rolling carriages are designed to carry heavy loads. The special rollers on the
bottom of the rolling carriage mean that it can be moved in the rolling direction by hand or
using traversing cylinders. The rolling carriages are specially adapted to LUKAS rerailing
bridges and provide optimum movement for the load.
The top slide plate on the rolling carriage is placed on the carriage and can be rotated
and moved at right angles to the rolling direction. The movements arising during lifting and
traversing are thus given more room. Tipping of the rolling carriage or a cylinder mounted on
it is prevented if positioned correctly.
4.1.3 DUO traversing unit
The DUO traversing unit is designed to move the LUKAS rolling carriages on the rerailing
bridges. The traversing cylinder is a double-acting hydraulic cylinder whose piston rod end is
hooked into the fi xing point provided on the rolling carriage. This makes it possible to move
the rolling carriage in the retraction and extension directions of the traversing cylinder. The
anchor cylinder serves as the locking pin.
The DUO traversing unit is available in two different variants.
1) One variant has a fi xed pin which locks the traversing cylinder in the fi xing points on the
LUKAS rerailing bridge.
2) The other variant instead has an integrated anchor cylinder that can be retracted and
extended hydraulically. In addition, this variant has lateral guide plates on the anchor
cylinder to provide stabilisation. The advantage of the version with an anchor cylinder is that
the cylinder can be reset without the user having to enter the danger area. In the unloaded
condition, this cylinder is always extended, so that, in the event of a loss of pressure in the
hydraulic system, there is still an anchoring in the rerailing bridge. When pressurised, the
anchor cylinder retracts and allows the traversing cylinder to move by extending or retracting.
A prerequisite for the operation of both variants is that the rerailing bridge is aligned
horizontally and that the load is lifted in such a way that there is no danger of the load
suspended in this way rolling away to the side.
4.1.4 Connecting rods
The connecting rods are used if a load is to be lifted at two or more points and then is to be
moved, at the same time, using rolling carriages in one direction. The connecting rods are
always used in pairs and connect the rolling carriages together. The connecting rods have
a coarse and a fi ne setting facility in order to be able to set them precisely to the distance
between the individual lifting points.