Creating administrator access groups – Apple Remote Desktop User Manual

Page 69

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Chapter 5

Understanding and Controlling Access Privileges


Apple Remote Desktop Administrator Access Using Directory

You can also grant Apple Remote Desktop administrator access without enabling any
local users at all by enabling group-based authorization if the client computers are
bound to a directory service. When you use specially named groups from your
Directory Services master domain, you don’t have to add users and passwords to the
client computers for Apple Remote Desktop access and privileges.

When Directory Services authorization is enabled on a client, the user name and
password you supply when you authenticate to the computer are checked in the
directory. If the name belongs to one of the Apple Remote Desktop access groups, you
are granted the access privileges assigned to the group.

Creating Administrator Access Groups

In order to use Directory Services authorization to determine access privileges, you
need to create groups and assign them privileges. There are two ways of doing this:

Method #1
You can create groups and assign them privileges through the mcx_setting attribute
on any of the following records: any computer record, any computer group record, or
the guest computer record.

To create an administrator access group:


Create groups as usual.

If you are using Mac OS X Server, you use Workgroup Manager to make them.


After you have created groups, you edit either the computer record of the computer to
be administered, its computer group record, or the guest computer record.


Use a text editor, or the Apple Developer tool named Property List Editor to build the
mcx_setting attribute XML. The XML contains some administrator privilege key
designations (ard_admin, ard_reports, etc.), and the groups that you want to possess
those privileges. The following privilege keys have these corresponding Remote
Desktop management privileges: