Apple Remote Desktop User Manual
Page 200

Appendix D
PostgreSQL Schema Sample
lastupdated | timestamp with time zone |
Sample list of property names
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/rmdb.bundle/bin/psql -U ard -c
"select * from propertynamemap" ard
objectname | propertyname | propertymapid
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardIsActive | 0
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardFirmwareVersion | 1
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardHardwareAddress | 2
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardLocale | 3
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardType | 4
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessCardInstalled | 5
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessChannelNumber | 6
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessNetworkAvailable | 7
Mac_SystemInfoElement | WirelessIsComputerToComputer | 8
Sample list of table from one computer
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/rmdb.bundle/bin/psql -U ard -c
"select * from systeminformation" ard
computerid | objectname | propertyname | itemseq |
value | lastupdated
00:03:93:af:15:cc | Mac_HardDriveElement | CreationDate | 0 |
2005-02-25T03:30:07Z| 2005-02-26 22:21:38-08
00:03:93:af:15:cc | Mac_HardDriveElement | FileSystemType | 0 |
18475 | 2005-02-26 22:21:38-08
00:03:93:af:15:cc | Mac_HardDriveElement | FreeSpace | 0 |
4101610 | 2005-02-26 22:21:38-08
00:03:93:af:15:cc | Mac_HardDriveElement | GroupName | 0 |
admin | 2005-02-26 22:21:38-08