Index r–sy – Apple QuickTake 150 (for Windows) User Manual
Page 75

reboot 53–54
rechargeable batteries 57–58
recharging flash 50
red timer light 3, 17
replacing batteries 58
Resize command (Image menu) 31, 45
resolution. See image quality
Rotate command (Image menu) 34, 45
rotating images and slides 34, 45
Run command (Windows Program
safety instructions, batteries 5, 57–58
Save All command (File menu) 43
Save As command (File menu) 35, 43
Save command (File menu) 35, 42
saving images 35–36, 42–43
Select All command (Edit menu) 34, 44
selecting whole picture 34, 44
serial cable
connecting 22–23, 51
disconnecting 22, 51
serial card 54
serial port 3, 22–23, 51
service 50
Set Camera Date & Time command
Set Camera Name command
setting camera clock 38–39, 47
shadowed images, capturing 14
Show All Pixels 31
Show Preview 26
shutter 3, 11
shutter speed 56
sleep, waking from 18
creating 27, 46
editing names of 29, 44
getting information about 29, 42
opening from slide table 27, 30, 42
opening to full-size image 30, 42
previewing 46
rotating 34, 45
saving 43
sorting 46
viewing in camera 24
slide table
appearance of 24
creating slides in 46
opening 27
opening an image from 27, 30, 42
printing 37
rotating images in 45
sorting slides in 46
software. See applications; QuickTake
sorting slides 46
Sort Slides By command
specifications 55–56
standard-quality images, settings for 15