Index im–mo, J, k – Apple QuickTake 150 (for Windows) User Manual

Page 73

background image

number taken and number

available 16

opening 26–27, 42
opening from slide table 27, 30, 42
opening slides to full-size image

30, 42

opening slide table 27, 42
previewing 26, 46
printing 37, 43
printing single image 37
printing slide table 37
quality of 52–53
rotating 34, 45
saving 35–36, 42–43
sorting slides 46
transferring from camera to computer

25, 28, 47

transferring from Macintosh to

Windows PC 60

transferring from Windows PC to

Macintosh 59

troubleshooting 50–54
undoing changes to 44
viewing different sizes of 31, 45
viewing in camera 24, 47
working with 28–34
working with selected parts of 44
zoom views of 31, 45

image size specifications 55
image window

changing image depth in 46
cropping images in 46
opening images in 26
resizing images in 45
rotating images in 45
zoom views in 31, 45


batteries 5
QuickTake software 6–7

interface 55

J, K

JPEG format 35


lens 3, 10. See also closeup lens

cleaning 50
field of view 56
troubleshooting 52

lens cover 3

keeping closed 49
turning camera off with 22
turning camera on with 10, 23
waking camera with 18

lighting 53. See also flash

green light in viewfinder 11, 50
red timer light 3, 17

light sensors 14, 53
lithium batteries 5, 57–58
looking at images in camera 24



exchanging files with 35
naming camera for use with 38
using camera with 59–60

Macintosh PC Exchange 59–60
maintenance 49–50
memory, full 51
memory specifications 55
menu commands 41–48. See also

specific menu or command

menus, drop-down 31
Move All Camera Images to Disk

command (Camera menu)
25, 47

