Do you need to install a video card – Apple AppleVision 750 User Manual
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Do you need to install a video card?
To use your monitor, you need compatible video circuitry built into your
computer, or a compatible video card installed in your computer. The
AppleVision monitor is a multiple scan display capable of supporting any
resolution and scan rate within certain ranges. If you’re not sure your
computer or video card will work with the monitor, check to see that their
video circuitry operates within the ranges specified here.
Note: Some video cards and computers may require a sense code adapter in
order to work with your monitor. The Apple 8•24, Apple 8•24
, most
video cards, and some third-party PCI video cards are not fully
compatible with your monitor and AppleVision software. If a card is not fully
compatible, the AppleVision software cannot be used to adjust the screen
image or change resolutions, but the controls on the front of the monitor may
be used to adjust some settings.
The monitor works with video circuitry that operates within these ranges:
m horizontal scan rate of 30–80 kilohertz
m vertical refresh rate of 40–120 hertz
Some common video modes that are within these ranges are
Vertical refresh rate (hertz)
640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 870
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
The actual resolutions and vertical refresh rates that are available to you
depend on the video circuitry of your computer or your video card. See the
manual that came with your computer or video card to determine which
settings will be available to you.
Chapter 1