Apple Mac OS X Server User Manual
Page 30

Chapter 5
Starting Up a NetBoot Client Computer
Any Mac OS computer that is capable of starting up from a NetBoot server can be a NetBoot
client computer.
If your computer’s firmware needs to be updated, update it now. For more information
seethe iMac Firmware Updater Read Me file located in the Admin folder on the NetBoot
server volume.
To start up a NetBoot client computer, follow these steps:
Connect the client computer to the network.
Hold down the N key while you turn on the client computer.
This forces the computer to look for a NetBoot server. It may take a few moments for the
client computer to find the server and start up. If the computer doesn’t start up after a few
moments, see Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting,” on page 33.
Once the computer has started up, you see two mounted volumes, one named Applications
and the other named Macintosh HD (unless you renamed the startup volume when you set
up Macintosh Manager).
Open the Startup Disk control panel and choose Macintosh HD.
The next time you start up the computer, you do not need to press the N key. Once a
computer has started up from the NetBoot server, it will always start up from the NetBoot
server unless there is a problem (such as the server is turned off ) or you change the startup
disk in the Startup Disk control panel.
Installing Applications for NetBoot Clients
The Applications and Macintosh HD volumes that you see when you log in to a NetBoot
client computer are read-only volumes. You must use NetBoot Desktop Admin software from
a NetBoot client computer before you can make any changes, such as installing an
application for your users.
When you finish installing applications you need to use NetBoot Desktop Admin software
again to make the volumes read-only and available to other users. If you don’t use NetBoot
Desktop Admin software after you’ve installed applications, it’s possible for unauthorized
changes to be made, and the changes you made won’t take effect.
Instructions for using NetBoot Desktop Admin software are in the NetBoot Desktop Admin
Read Me file located in the Admin folder on NetBoot server volume.
To access the NetBoot Desktop Admin Read Me file, follow these steps:
On a Macintosh computer, use the Chooser to log in to the NetBoot server.