Apple Mac OS X Server User Manual

Page 29

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Setting Up Your NetBoot Server


m control users’ access to computers
m set up how users’ preferences are saved
m set up access to printers, file servers, and other network resources
m set security options, such as minimum password length
The first time you use Macintosh Manager, you need to set up global, workstation, and server
options, and then you need to create user accounts and workgroups. The options you set
depend on the purpose of your network, the experience level of your users, and the security
needs of your organization.

Opening Macintosh Manager

To use Macintosh Manager for the first time, do this:


Turn on a computer that’s connected to the network.

Do not try to use Macintosh Manager from the Mac OS X Server. You must use a Mac OS
computer that’s connected to the network. Be sure to start up the computer from its own
hard disk.


Use the Chooser to log in to the NetBoot server.

You can log in as “Administrator” using the password you set up for the Administrator
account on Mac OS X Server. You can also log in to the NetBoot server with any AppleShare
user name and password with the appropriate privileges.


Double-click the Admin folder.


Double-click the Macintosh Manager icon.
Note: If you want to use Macintosh Manager from a local hard disk, copy the Admin folder
from the server to the local hard disk of your Mac OS computer. Then double-click the
Macintosh Manager icon.


Type the same user name and password you entered for step 2.


Set up global, workstation, and server options. Then create users and workgroups.

For information about the options you can set, see the “Setting Macintosh Manager Options”
topic in Macintosh Manager Help. To open Macintosh Manager Help, choose it from the Help


Quit Macintosh Manager.

Quitting activates the server and enables the user accounts you set up.