Apple TV/FM Radio System User Manual
Page 85

m Press the Up Arrow key or Down Arrow key on the keyboard.
(Make sure Apple Video Player is the active application, or
these keys won’t have any effect.)
m Use the volume controls on the remote control. For more
information, see Chapter 9, “Using the Remote Control.”
To mute the sound, click the speaker on the video window,
press x-M on the keyboard, or press the muting button on
the remote control. To turn the sound back on, click the
speaker, press x-M, or press the remote control’s muting
button. The sound will also go back on if you adjust the
volume using any method.
You can also click anywhere in a slider’s track to move the
slider to that position. The sound adjustments take effect
immediately, so you can monitor your changes.
Choosing a sound mode
When the video source is set to TV, you can control whether
the sound is mono or stereo. You can also choose the
Second Audio Program (SAP), which (when available)
broadcasts in a second language.
To set the sound mode, follow these steps:
Choose Show Controls Window from the Windows menu.
The Controls window appears.
Click the sound icon.
Chapter 5