Opening apple videophone – Apple Video Phone Kit User Manual
Page 14

Opening Apple VideoPhone
The Apple VideoPhone program is located on your hard disk, in a folder
named Apple VideoPhone. (If you have more than one hard disk, the folder is
located on the disk you specified in the Easy Install dialog box.)
To open Apple VideoPhone, double-click its icon.
Can’t find Apple VideoPhone? If you can’t find the Apple VideoPhone
program, you need to install the Apple VideoPhone software. For
instructions, see the section “Installing Apple VideoPhone Software,” earlier
in this booklet.
For onscreen instructions on setting up your equipment and using the Apple
VideoPhone program, you can use the Apple VideoPhone Guide. To open the
Guide, make sure Apple VideoPhone is the active program; then, open the
Guide menu (marked with the h icon) and choose Apple VideoPhone Guide.
To improve the performance of Apple VideoPhone, it’s recommended that you
turn off virtual memory. To turn off virtual memory, follow these steps:
Open the Apple menu and choose Control Panels.
Double-click the Memory control panel to open it.
In the Virtual Memory section of the Memory control panel, click Off.
Close the control panel.