Hornady Lock-N-Load Powder Measure with Case-Activated Powder Drop User Manual
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The Lock Nut and O-ring on the Metering Unit may be adjusted to provide
tension on the thread of the Plunger, so as to allow setting it while not al-
lowing unintentional movement in operation. It may be locked in place by
tightening when adjustment is achieved.
One revolution of the plunger is .05" travel. With the plunger all the
way in, or the capacity set to near zero, the end of the thread and the
outer surface of the Lock Nut should be approximately flush.
With the plunger all the way out (roughly 20 turns, 1"), the maximum
capacity is approximately 100 grains or 5 grains per turn.
Once your Metering Unit is set, lock it, label it and store it with the die set, for
the fastest possible return to the present setting in future loading sessions.
Always change the metering units with the handle and the metering unit
in the horizontal position, and after you have dropped the charge. If you
allow the Handle to fall while changing units, you will drain the Hopper.
Be sure that you have the proper “Lock-N-Load” device locked in place,
before operating.
Always verify your charges with a scale before loading.
Any moisture in the unit will cause powder to stick, and charge weights will
vary dramatically.