Servicing instructions – L.B. White Pilot User Manual

Page 73

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Leak and Gas Pressure Checks



C. Leak C


1. Check all connections for gas leaks using approved

gas leak detectors. Gas leak testing is performed as


a. Check all pipe connections, hose connections,

fittings and adapters upstream of the gas control

with approved gas leak detectors. In the event a

gas leak is detected, check the components

involved for cleanliness and proper application of

pipe compound before further tightening.

b. Tighten the gas connections as necessary to stop

the leak.

c. After all connections are checked and any leaks

are stopped, start the heater so the main burner


d. Stand clear while the main burner ignites to

prevent injury caused from hidden leaks that could

cause flashback.

e. With the main burner in operation, check all

connections, hose connections, fittings and joints

as well as the gas control valve inlet and outlet

connections with approved gas leak detectors.

f. If a leak is detected, disconnect the heater from its

electrical supply and close the fuel supply valve to

the heater.

g. Check the components involved for cleanliness in

the thread areas and proper application of pipe


h. Tighten the gas connection as necessary to stop

the leak. If necessary, replace the parts or

components involved if the leak cannot be

stopped. Ensure all gas leaks have been identified

and repaired before proceeding.



Valve sshown iis ooutside oof hheater ffor cclarity oof vview.


Fire aand EExplosion H


Do not use open flame (matches, torches, candles,

etc.) in checking for gas leaks.

Use only approved leak detectors.

Failure to follow this warning can lead to fires or


Fires or explosions can lead to property damage,

personal injury or loss of life.

August 1999
