Component testing – L.B. White Pilot User Manual

Page 48

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Continuity Checks



Continuity C


Equipment rrequired:

Digital Volt/Ohm Meter


In a continuity test, you simply want to determine whether or

not an electrical pathway exists through a component. For

these tests, it is important that the probes of the multimeter

make good contact with the part being tested. They should

touch bare metal or wire, not insulation, paint, or dirt.

Alligator clips make firmer contact than needle probes, use

them where possible.

Also, manipulate wires to see if they are loose to help

uncover loose connections.

The components which exhibit good continuity within the

electrical circuit also provide a resistance to the flow of

electricity. The resistance is measured in ohms and will be

displayed on the meter. You do not need to remove the

components to check for continuity. The following illustrates

how to check for continuity for some of the components used

in the heater.


Make sure that the heater is disconnected from its electrical

source before conducting this procedure. Failure to do so

will result in damage to your meter.


First, set your meter to the continuity scale (if provided) or

the ohm(s) scale. Place the tester probes on the terminals

of the component being tested. If your meter has an audible

continuity feature you will hear a “ringing” sound in addition

to seeing a read out in ohms. Examples of checking for

continuity on several components are shown.

Typically, components which show an open circuit and are

not in proper working order will exhibit an “overload” readout

on the display of the multimeter. These components should

be replaced. However, some components such as an air

proving switch have a set of normally open contacts. To

verify proper operation, the switch arm needs to be pushed

upward or the flapper lifted so the contacts are engaged. At

this point an ohm reading should appear.

August 1999

High LLimit S


Air-PProving S


To check for proper thermostat operation, connect the

testing probe to the thermostat terminals as shown. When

the thermostat contacts are open, the meter will show an

open circuit. When the thermostat is adjusted to call for

heat, the contacts should close and you will see an ohm

readout appear on the tester indicating that there is a

completely closed electrical circuit through the thermostat.
