J. qtwo transfer valve – Hale MG User Manual
Page 91

Muscle Pumps
J. Qtwo Transfer Valve
1. Drain the pump
IMPORTANT: The transfer valve is a timed
device. It is therefore important during
disassembly to note the location of the transfer
bracket locating pin, the transfer drum stop pin, the
transfer drum sleeve-locating pin, and the transfer
drum stem key. It is not necessary to remove the
transfer bracket locating pin, the transfer drum
sleeve locating pin, or the transfer drum stop pin
during disassembly.
2. Turn the adjustment handwheel clockwise
until it stops. The transfer indicator should
be at the top of the slotted guide in the
cover plate.
3. Remove the two allen-head setscrews
from the transfer indicator guide. Slide the
transfer indic ator guide (on an adjustment
stem) towards the transfer valve.
4. Remove the stem drive gear lock pin.
Slide the adjustment stem from the stem
drive, the support, and the transfer
indic ator guide, being careful not to drop
or damage the transfer indicator guide and
transfer indic ator.
5. Remove the four 7/16-14UNC X 1-1/4
inch long cap screws retaining the transfer
bracket assembly to the pump body.
Carefully remove the transfer bracket and
the transfer valve drum.
6. Disassemble the valve.
a. Remove the locating pin that secures
the countershaft in place.
b. Remove the countershaft from the
countershaft gear.
c. Remove the countershaft gear and the
countershaft gear spring from the
transfer bracket assembly.
d. Remove the allen-head setscrew from
the transfer drum gear. Slide the
transfer drum gear from the drum
stem. Remove the woodruff key from
the transfer drum stem.
e. Separate the transfer bracket from the
transfer drum by sliding it from the
transfer drum stem.
Slide the transfer drum from the transfer
7. Assemble the Valve
a. Clean and inspect all sealing surfaces
and the mating surfaces of the
transfer valve drum and sleeve. Clean
and inspect the transfer bracket
bushings and bushing surface on the
transfer valve stem and the transfer
valve adjustment stem.
b. Install new O-ring seals on the
transfer valve drum stem and the
transfer valve bracket.
c. Slide the transfer drum into the
transfer bracket, being careful not to
damage the bearing surfaces. Then,
rotate the transfer drum until the
drum stop pin is in the correct
d. Install the woodruff key into the
transfer drum stem. Install the
transfer drum gear onto the transfer
drum stem. Apply Loctite 242 to the
allen-head set screw and install the
transfer drum gear.
e. Assemble the countershaft gear spring
in the countershaft gear, and position
the assembly into place in the transfer
bracket. Then, install the countershaft
and the countershaft-locating pin to
lock the countershaft in place.
8. Install the Transfer Valve
a. Align the transfer drum stop pin, the
transfer bracket-locating pin, and the
transfer drum sleeve locating pin into
proper position.