Hale MG User Manual

Page 105

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Muscle Pumps


d. On valves with 5 inch NST discharge


1) Remove cap from discharge


2) Reaching into discharge tube

apply a coating of grease to the
valve ball surface.

3) Making sure hands and fingers are

clear manually operate valve
through a couple of complete
cycles to spread grease.

4) On valves mounted in line or tank

suction valves do the following:

a) Gain access to the outlet side

of valve.

b) Remove piping from discharge


c) Remove thread cap from T-

bolt on V-clamp.

d) Remove jam nut from clamp

then loosen T-bolt nut.

e) Slide the clamp towards the

connectors to clear valve then
remove the connector and O-

f) Apply a coat of grease to the

valve ball.

g) Make sure fingers are clear of

valve and manually operate
valve through a few complete

h) Apply a light coat of grease to

the O-ring groove and insert a
new O-ring into groove.

i) Install discharge connector and

secure in place by tightening
T-bolt nuts to 20 ft-lb.

j) Install jam nut and thread cap.

k) Reconnect discharge piping.

5) Test operate apparatus and check

for leaks.

6) Return apparatus to service.

3. 40BD Valve Seat Replacement

a. Place apparatus out of service in

accordance with departmental

b. Open all drains and release pressure

from pump system.

c. Gain access to the outlet side of valve.

d. Remove piping from discharge


e. Remove thread cap from T-bolt on V-


f. Remove jam nut from clamp then

loosen T-bolt nut.

g. Slide the clamp towards the

connectors to clear valve then remove
the connector and O-ring.

h. Carefully pry the seat housing out of

the valve using the ridge provided.

i. Push seat assembly out of housing.

j. Clean and inspect all parts and mating


k. Install new valve seat seal on seat

then push seat and seal assembly into

l. Apply a light coat of grease and

install new seal in groove of seal

m. With the seat oriented towards the

valve ba ll push seat and housing
assembly into discharge side of valve