Browse & download – Nokia 7205 Intrigue User Manual

Page 79

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Note: In the idle screen, to quickly access Mobile Web, press

the Directional key up, and with Mobile Web 2.0
highlighted press the (

) key.

Browse & Download

VZ Navigator

VZ Navigator supports the GPS-related service, helping you
find your way. With VZ Navigator, you can get your current
location, or get directions from the current location to a
selected address.

1. To activate VZ Navigator, press the (

) key (


), and

scroll to

Media Center


2. Press (


Browse & Download


3. Press (


VZ Navigator

, and then press the (

) key.

To use this service, you must activate the location function.
See "Location," p. 67. Page 78 Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:47 AM